Event Details

Event ID
Rho Ozrei d'Tana
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Rho Ozrei d'Tana
Primary reason

He’s extremely overdue for a promotion. Rho has participated in numerous generic competitions such as the Bunny Comp and the Dark Valour competition and I’ve lost count of the number of Multi-player events he’s participated in during gaming nights (I hear he’s quite a rising star in the Arcona BF2 team). On top of that, his IRC presence is formidable and he’s the most good-natured Dark Jedi I know :P

He's got a heap of Clusters of Fire, he's made his character sheet and is in the process of writing a short fiction piece to expand his character as part of his M/S program. On top of that, he’s doing everything a rising star in Galeres should be doing, and more. This recommendation doesn’t do him justice, as there are innumerable ‘little things’ he helps out with that can’t be catalogued, but when stretched over this period of time they mount up. It's high time Galeres recognised his contributions. KAP Sashar


Rho is a great asset to Galeres, he is friendly, helpful, willing and very able. He is one of those rarer members who asks what he can do to help you. And if he agrees to what you have requested from him, it will be done. He doesn’t just do a half-hearted job, because he wants things on his ATR, he does it because he promised you that he will do it and he does it to the best of his ability.

Rho has helped me numerous little things, things that I didn’t have time for myself and needed to get done. He gave me trivia questions when I needed them desperately; he has helped me with KCE reports, checking over QUA reports – most of those things meaning that he left his own work to help me out.

He submits to almost every competition available to him, he plays in gaming nights, he is active on IRC…we couldn’t ask for anything more.

Congratulations Rho, this is extremely well-deserved, you’ve worked hard and you’ve done your best. Thank you for all your help, I appreciate that and I am so proud of you!

~Selene d’Tana Quaestor, House Galeres

Rho Ozrei d'Tana, 2007-01-16 23:00:00 UTC