Event Details

Event ID
Xathia Edraven
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Xathia Edraven
Primary reason

Xathia has completed the ACC Initiates Course and her Character Sheet, and she has passed IRC Basics as well the MSN Messenger Exam. She is active on IRC, she active on the mailing list and she has created a forum account and made her first post. I am very proud of her progress so far, taking it step by step and getting the hang of the Dark Brotherhood on her own terms. It makes a nice change to have a spirited young woman around.

Congratulations Xathia, you are awesome!

~Selene d'Tana Quaestor, House Galeres

Xathia Edraven, 2007-01-18 23:00:00 UTC