Event Details

Event ID
Battlemaster Katrila
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Battlemaster Katrila
Primary reason

Dismal is one of the most active young members of Clan Plagueis and a shining example of leadership to his peers. His level of activity and leadership ability surprised even me once I took him on as an apprentice. Dismal has performed all of the duties required by the Plagueis Promotion Guidelines to attain the rank of Knight, finishing all of his Trials. He has earned a Crescent with an Emerald Star, an Anteian Cross, and a Scroll of Indoctrination. He passed Krath Grammar Studies course, passed the Plagueis quizes "Getting to know the Codex" and "Getting to know the Clan," and he signed up for Oberst's Writing Course. He also participated in two ACC Training Battles and many, many competitions including SuperCON, Weekly Fun Game, Killer Instinct, and the Shadow Academy Run-On. As my pupil he has written five well-done haiku, participated in a Run-On with me titled "Master and Apprentice" to prove his writing capabilities, written a fiction about an adventure he went on as a Jedi Hunter, and written a fiction on the creation of his lightsaber. He also mediated a problem between two members of Plagueis. Apart from these many tasks, Dismal has truly been a leader in Clan Plagueis. He led Battle Team Exar's Shadow as commander and brought a level of activity to the battle team that I had not seen in a long time, hosting many competitions and recruiting constantly. He was also appointed Assistant Envoy of Clan Plagueis. Recently, he was appointed to the position of Aedile of House Exar Kun, and in the short time he has held the position is already proving to be very capable. He also did tasks for the Summit, working with the Wiki doing things like Ravian Pulastra's history and the Plagueis Clan Prospectus. As a leader he has also maintained one of the highest presences in the clan on the message boards and IRC, maintaing an incredibly quick email turn-around as well. His contributions to this clan have encouraged participation and communication throughout his house and clan. I am very proud to ask for his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. KAP Scorpius

Dismal is a great and active member. He spends countless hours on IRC, replies to email, is active on the forums, participates in almost every competition avaliable, I would say around 90%, and is an amazing leader. While he has his moments, once you kick him into gear he is very useful. As BTL, he did a great job and getting Exar's Shadow on track and active, and now as AED of HEK he has already started to do the same. It is about time that he finally earns the lightsaber he deserves all too much ~ CON Aabs

Dismal has played a key role in the increase of communication and activity as Battle Team Leader and Aedile. He has provided various competitions of different formats as BTL and now as AED. He is a prominent member on IRC and brings a unique element to the Plagueis leadership. Dismal has participated in countless competitions and activities, most recently assisting in the rewriting of NPC biographies for the CP Wiki and elaborated the Wiki Clan Prospectus. Dismal is truly deserving of an elevation to Dark Jedi Knight as he demonstrates to the fullest extent the concepts of an active, successful member within Clan Plagueis. ~ PCON Orzon

Dismal has amazed me time and time again with his level of activity. He has competed in almost every competition since I came to this house and is always online in either IRC or AIM so that he is accessible to the members of the house. As Battle Team Leader he always led by example showing his members what it took to succeed. In the last few weeks as my AED he has continued his strive for excellence. He is in constant communication with the house as well as the leadership and still participates in all competitions. Dismal has earned the right to wield his saber. Congratulations on this well earned promotion! ~ QUA Ky Terrak

Battlemaster Katrila, 2007-01-21 23:00:00 UTC