Event Details

Event ID
Maol Nor Lexu
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Maol Nor Lexu
Primary reason

Maol is a great guy. He's always quick to reply to emails, and does an excellent job, as House Envoy, always punctual with his welcome emails to new members. He spends a good amount of time on IRC, and is active lots on the message boards, as well. He's not afraid to give his opinion to the Clan, which is an admirable trait in a person. He also placed 2nd in Trivia Submission of the Naga Sadow Trivia Challenge, showing that Maol has a strong drive. My friend, congratulations on your Saber!

DJK Vladek Solander, Rollmaster of House Marka Ragnos

Maol has been my student for many months. He has steadily worked on each trial until they were completed. Not only did he do his trials, he was also working on envoy work, competitions, and a few other projects for other individuals from time to time. For a short while he was also a Battle Team leader. His dedication to this club and his progression can be seen in every graphic he completes, in every attempt at qualifying in the ACC, and in every story that he finishes.

He has completed many tasks without a question on reward - he seems to strive for that sense of accomplishment that a job well done provides. I am proud to see Maol complete his trials and earn the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations, Maol - wear your saber with pride. ~ Kat Pridemore

One of the privilages of serving as Quaestor of a house is that you have a special role in every member's career. For those who make it to this coveted point, that role becomes a distinct honor. Today, I excercise the great benefits of my duty. Jedi Hunter Maol Nor Lexu has been a staple of House Marka Ragnos since I became Quaestor, nearly 6 months ago. Right off the bat, Maol offered his services. Shortly after my appointment, Maol was selected as my House Envoy. At first, I was a little worried, an unproven member and all, but Maol would quickly dismiss those worries. Since that day, he has served excellently as House Envoy, always there for every member. Not a member joins who I don't quickly receive an email from Maol, welcoming them into the House. Nearly five months as Envoy of House Marka Ragnos. That's quite impressive.

Beyond that, Maol has quietly been working away at his promotion trials, having just recently completed his Consul's Task. To be honest, I wasen't even aware Maol was nearing the end of his trials, but thats the type of guy Maol is. He's mostly quiet, but he kicks butt in the background, and just sorta sneaks up on you, in a good way.

So, in accordance with the Master Student Program, and Promotion Trials as laid out by the Inner Circle of Clan Naga Sadow, on this day, with the blessing of his Consul and Master, I do hereby excercise my authority as Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, and do hereby grant the rank of Dark Jedi Knight to Jedi Hunter Maol Nor Lexu.

Congratz! Keep up the excellent work!

~Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Maol Nor Lexu, 2007-01-26 23:00:00 UTC