Kazarelth has proven to be a Dark Sider of great potential and worth to both House and Clan. Since arriving on my doorstep, my inbox has been flooded with activity reports, in which Kaz is always on top or near top in performance.
Since his last promotion, Kaz has particiapted in events across all levels of the Brotherhood from BattleTeam (taking first place in 3 Seperate Events), to House (taking first in the Gladius Templar 2 times), and to the Brotherhood (submission of 12 posts in the SA's most recent run-0n compeition). Further, he has taken 5 additional SA courses.
For his sterling and sustained activity I find Kaz worthy of elevation past his current rank.
Kazarelth Talismarr, 2007-01-31 23:00:00 UTC