What can be said of Baron Zarco of his time, his place, and his activity in the Brotherhood? Well, there is a lot since his last promotion 9 months ago.
Before I get to his Clan activities, I know Baron spent a great deal of time being a Judge in the ACC. He was in that position 9 months and did well from what I saw, never being awarded for his efforts by those running that. That I didnt know until late, which is sad on the ACC, such a valuable member. In Clan Baron has continued his leadership experience by leading Horsemen of the Apocalypse for four months followed by Aedile of House Archanis for nearly two months. He was steady in reports, in communication with his members, and his leaders. Baron hits all the major areas as well, those being email, message boards and IRC. A very nice and respectable record if I do say so myself, worthily of recognizing.
Adding to that Baron has done many others things beyond just leading; he also stands as an example for others. Just recently he wrote the Taldryan Blurb for the Dark Voice, doing a nice piece in a very quick amount of time. Competition wise he has participated in at least 9 events since the Great Jedi War, including the Survival on Volcanus Clan Run-on, Tal Trivia, Man those Battle Stations!, and the recently finished Clan Cooperative RO. Baron placed in competitions 7 times since September, from Tal Trivia, Reporting is Fun!, up to 1st place victories in the Santa Slayer event and Cotelin, Jac Cotelin event. Thats some great activity for a normal member, but considering he was in a position at that time and was running events of his own thats even more showing. Baron ran several competitions such as the Assault on Cho-Kirai One & Two, Tal - Shards of the Past, and the Archanis Role Playing Night; all doing very well respectively. Lastly but not least, he has a increasable winning record in the ACC that has continued to build over time, hopefully that wont stop either.
While we have had some ups and down, even some conflicts in Clan, Baron stands out as an active and prominent member of Taldryan. Hes given a tremendous amount of effort into all the various things he has done. Its time to see that awarded. I recommend Baron Zarco for a promotion to Krath Priest. Congratulations, you have earned it!
For Taldryan,
Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan
Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System
Baron Zarco, 2007-03-09 23:00:00 UTC