Event Details

Event ID
Braecen Kaeth
Old Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
New Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I am pleased and honored to recommend the promotion of KE Braecen Kaeth Kunar. Braecen has proven to be one of those individuals who adapts and overcomes all challenges and CSP's placement in the Right of Supremacy is a testament to that skill.

For the majority of the last six months Braecen Kunar has completely revived CSP. He has brought an energy and quality of leadership that has completely turned the Clan around. He has taken on grand projects to improve the fictional background of his clan (History, Wiki, Military, Planetary) and he has organized high level competitions (Clan Feud) to train his Clan and motivate them for the RoS.

Braecen's true skill and talents were put on grand display during the Right of Supremacy where he organized his clan and created a strategy to challenge Taldryan for the first time in years. Braecen's organizational and motivational skills brought his Clan to a second place finish, but at the same time a dominating performance against the 3rd/4th/5th/6th place Clans.

Braecen, I applaud you for the work you have done and I look forward to seeing the work you will do. Congratulations!

Could you give me anything easier to write?

  What does the number 4520 mean to you? Well, what does it mean to CSP? I think the results of the Rites of Supremacy speak for themselves. Braecen Kaeth Kunar has led CSP in a rallying vendetta event. I am impressed. This is something to note, due in part to the fact that I am a general skeptic towards things and egotistical as a Sith could be. But, before I divulge, Braecen has done amazing things with the Clan. I have personally worked with this cat for going on years, so I get to see alot of what he has done. This Drive to Vendetta was awesome. Braecen's prior work stirred the Clan into a veritable frenzy, waiting to take a bite out of the nearest body. It happens that our Clan has developed in such a way, that people are seeking us out because they have heard of things that are amazing. I can't explain how awesome it is to see everything flourish under him. Since I have known the man, I have seen his drive, his vigor, and without perverse jokes to lighten the severity of stress during work times (as he often does) I can say, This guy is a Rock.

  I do not believe that CSP would be a better place without the man. I have personally looked up to him for a long time, thus I consider him my mentor. I only hope that I can pioneer projects of the same magnitude as he did, micromanage, paper stamp, grind, or work half as hard as he does. I think he should get special points for having to deal with me; a joke I think a few people might understand. I could list for you a million things he has done for the Clan, but I think it is better if you just take a look. On the first glance of before and after pictures of the Clan, You can see a major major turn. All because of Pin # 4520, the Clan has turned back to the right way. I find a shade of humor in the name (not the person behind the name :P) of his Proconsul; Phoenix. The humor I see is demented at best, but Braecen has brought a clan out of ashes back to a furious flame, like the legendary Phoenix (The bird :P).

  I am not going to take the time to list all the stuff he has done, because I would get Carpal Tunnel. Take a look, if you can't see it...See an optometrist.

  In conclusion, If there were one thing I could wish from Braecen, it would be the following: Will You please write a book on how you do things like this? I hope it is a Tesla Machine, because that would make for a good plot twist. Congratulations, you caught us at "The Turn"...I can't wait to see "the Prestige".  

P.S. If I could wish one more thing from Braecen, It would be...Become A Sith!!!

Thran Occasus

Quaestor of House Caliburnus

  Braecen took over Clan Scholae Palatinae during a lull, a time when

CSP's activity was at a low and in-fighting threatened to tear the whole Clan apart. The position of Consul had changed hands several times in the space of a year, and this instability at the head o the Clan was echoed through all of the other leadership positions. When Dakari was put under pressure and resigned, Braecen was definitely not my favorite to take over the reigns, and I specifically told him so and let him know of my intentions to pass on these feelings to GM Jac. Jac, however, thought differently and was willing to give Brae a chance.

  With a vast array of new and sometimes very contentious ideas as to how the Clan should be turned around, Braecen met with immediate opposition from many of the more senior members of the Clan, myself included, some of whom had already conspired and made plans to have him removed as soon as possible before the elevation was officially announced, myself NOT included. (This would be an effin great fictional story!) As well as having to deal with this, Braecen also had to look at the general membership and lift them out of their stagnate ways, give them fresh zest and get them working as a team. And it hasn't been easy.

  At all stages Braecen has been willing to listen and this has been the aspect of his personality that has seen him reap such success as we have seen. One of the ways he has calmed those who were staunchly against him was to listen to them and specifically ask for their advice on the matters that concerned them most. Those who did not recognize Braecen's own dedication to the Clan and its members continued the vitriol but in time they left the Clan, leaving those willing to work with Braecen as he created that stability that the Clan needed so much, and surrounded himself with those Senior members who had had such an impact on the Clan over the years to give advice and lead the Clan and its Houses. This has not been a quick and easy path, and it is through his dedication and hard work, his ability of being able to see skills in other people and utilize them for the greater good, his openness to accept other peoples points of view and incorporate advice into his own plans that has seen this Clan get stronger and stronger under his command. He has set a huge example for all members of the Clan by his own determination for the Clan to do well and the hard work he and his direct staff put in is bettered by no-one in the Clan, though that point may be lost to the general membership.

  Braecen's dedication, demeanor, and work ethic are a true example to others, especially to those under his guidance as Consul, and his attitude has guided the Clan to its probably its strongest position ever, and promotion is but a portion of the award he deserves. 

KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

  When I was first asked to contribute to the recommendations for Braecen's promotion, I was thinking it would be an easy task, because he most certainly deserves the recognition. In trying to actually write this recommendation, it has proven much more difficult than I first imagined it would be.

  Braecen is one of those few people who have had a <b>huge</b> impact on me, as a leader, as a mentor, and as a friend. He was there to help me learn my way around as I became involved in leadership; his insight and advice have provided me guidelines to improving myself as a leader. Braecen has also been steadfast in making himself available as a leader to offer his assistance to solve problems, encouragement to accomplish goals; he has offered me challenges to consistently strive for greater achievements. Most importantly to me though, Braecen has always been there to listen, regardless of what I needed to talk to him about, be it some minor suggestion for the house or clan, or something bigger. Granted, that means little in the "Why should he be promoted?" question, but my recommendation for his efforts would be pointless without expressing the deep heartfelt gratitude that I owe him.

  I have seen very few 'leaders' in the Brotherhood who truly deserve their positions. Generally time will tell on those who do not, but this is not the case for Braecen. Braecen displays a keen sense of vision and drive that he uses to motivate and direct his Clan, constantly striving to improve it for all members within the Clan. He also possesses a deep sense of integrity and honor that is exceedingly rare. Since his ascension to the position of Consul of Scholae Palatinae, the Clan has steadily grown in terms of development and general successes. Braecen has worked to expand, clarify, and develop the fictional story of the Clan, including the creation of several wiki pages, the clan website, and numerous other clan documents. Braecen has also helped to create several in clan programs to encourage and reward the efforts of members.

  It has been said that a leader is nothing without people to lead, but it is also true that the people need a leader that can inspire and motivate them, one who can guide them and provide the direction needed to help them achieve what they are capable of. This is something Braecen does very well. Because of his tireless work and effort, Clan Scholae Palatinae has accomplished a great deal, with even more glory within its grasp. For this, I truly believe that Braecen has earned his promotion.  

~SW Rasilvenaira StormRaven,

Aedile of House Caliburnus

Braecen is an outstanding Consul. He has a vision for Scholae Palatinae that had been lacking previously. Under his guidance CSP has been able to flourish into something much more amazing then thought possible. His many ideas and projects (most of which are incredibly large scale and detailed) have added much more not only to the fictional aspect of the clan, but the general feel of it as well. With the recent Rite of Supremacy Braecen was an excellent example, participating and helping motivate members to do in kind. There are very few who I trust and respect as much as Braecen in the DB. He is more then deserving this promotion.


  Brae, I admit it... I was one of the Clan members who tried to conspire against you during the waning days of Dakari's Consulship.

However, since working with you, my attitude about you has done a full 180. Although we can both be dissenters towards each other, I've found a new respect for you as a leader, mentor, and friend. You're always full of good, inspiring ideas - from the House Feud to the Clan Prospectus - and, even though the Clan was shaky at the beginning of your reign, you were able to increase activity, enjoyment, and the fun sprit that makes Scholae Palatinae so unique.

As Quaestor, one of your many subordinates, instead of ordering me around, telling me to get you beers or rat asses, you worked with me to help develop Acclivis Draco and my own abilities. Braecen has given me encouragement and feedback on my reports, promotion and medal recommendations, and nearly everything else I do. He has supported me even when no one else seemed to.

  Even though Braecen can be kind of "weird," with his recent performance in leading the Clan through the Rite of Supremacy with unimagined success, I believe that he has what it takes to push CSP to become the indomitable force we know it to be.  He and Phoenix have led us through a number of conflicts, from the CSP-Arcona feud, to in-Clan disputes.  They have been successful.

Braecen has brought the desperately needed change to CSP, to force it to rise from its decline and into the stratosphere with its wings unfurled and its head held high.

Congrats Brae, this promotion is well-deserved and your leadership is inspiring. Keep it up, and one day, I'll make sure Phoenix gets you that pimp ride you've been waiting for.

By my hand, I recommend Braecen Kunar for elevation.

RevengeX Palpatine

Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco

From the moment I am in Clan Scholae Palatinae, Braecen Kaeth Kunar offered his guidance and leadership to me. This just increased as I joined his team as Companion Class Envoy. Braecen work ethics, natural talent for leadership, helped me and our clans steadily advance. His effective and good communication abilities make sure everyone knows his/her job .Many leader just want to lead; But the CSP Consul wishes to know his people, because he knows this is recommended to be a great leader. Because that is what he is, a great leader and a great person. In this success he also helped himself with creating an effective leading body from the AED to the PCON. He is supervising personally these persons meanwhile keeping enough distance to let the chain of command works. Also his organizing and writing skills creates a fun and extended fictional environment for the CSP community. Really, I can speak only in superlatives about him. Without him, the clan couldn't achieve that great activity in the rites of supremacy as it did. In the name of the members of Scholae Palatinae i thank you his outstanding work and the chance to serve under him.

DJK Zeron

Companion Class Envoy

House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae

When I chose to apply for PCON, I had my reservations. With my 2yr absence from major clan roles, and then being pulled back in; one I didn't think I could do it, and two, didn't have full faith in Braecen's abilities. But, after roughly six months of working side-by-side with Braecen, I must say he has grown to be a pillar that was seen in him by the higher ups. His attitude and demeanor has changed dramatically, and with that change, has lite a fire under his members. He has pushed for the development of many military documents(legions, etc.), complete overhaul of CSP history so that it could be properly maintained, creation of MoM for both house and clan, which in the end has brought out the best that CSP has to offer. We have both worked together to better each others ability to listen and lead, and I have to say, if not for him, I do not think I would be able to PCON. His fire and determination towards his members and his clan and their progression has been the stepping stone to our turn around in the RoS and stepping out in front amongst the other clans.

  With his tireless work with the M/S Program, mentorship of many of the clan leaders, and constant drive for the betterment of CSP and her members, and in my personal opinion CSP would have gone into further decay; he has earned this promotion 10fold.

I raise my glass to you sir. Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine ProConsul Of CSP Grand Marshal of Judecc Son of Palpatine

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-04-07 22:00:00 UTC