Event Details

Event ID
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Old Rank
Obelisk Prelate (Equite 2)
New Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
Requested by
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Allow me to bring one of our most valuable members and mentors to the attention: Sashar. Since his latest return to Arcona, last November, he has been a tremendous asset to his Battleteam, House, and Clan. Considering the fact that his last promotion was four years ago, even before the split, in my opinion he is more than worthy of a promotion to Exarch.

Steel Cross Diamond Crescent Ruby Crescent Emerald Crescent x2 Topaz Crescent x4 Quartz Crescent x2 Cluster of Fire x171 Legion of the Scholar Seal of Dominance x2 Seal of Darkness x5

Normally such a list of medals is counted “since last promotion”, but this list consists only of medals he’s been awarded since his last return to Arcona. And there’s more…

Recently, he was made Arcona’s Clan Envoy, and already he has taken steps towards improving new member reception in the Clan, as well as excellent communication with the other Envoys, the Clan Summit, and of course the new members. Along with others, he has worked on developing Arcona’s own training program, something he’ll have an even larger role in now that he’s the Clan Envoy. Also, he has written a very extensive master/student guide, one that I’m sure will turn out to be a great help with his management of the master/student program, as well as the three apprentices he’s currently training.

Prior to that, however, the main focus of his leadership and mentoring skills was Soulfire Strike Team. Dash stands at the heart of the team, and has constantly helped fellow Soulfire members with every aspect of DB life. He is also responsible for a large portion of the (very extensive) Soulfire Wiki page.

In the recent Feud against CSP, he was instrumental in Arcona’s crushing victory, winning the long fiction event, and the run-on event with his team. He also played his part in motivating Soulfire and Galeres, supporting Malidir in this when needed.

In the even more recent RoS, although his real life schedule was very busy, he delivered a great deal of work for the Arcona Battleplan submission, as well as participating in several gaming events, the ACC, and the first round of fiction. This only shows that even when he doesn’t have much time, he can and will make much-appreciated contributions to Arcona’s performance.

Aside from all this activity, Dash has also been of great value to me as an advisor on Clan matters. For these reasons and more, it is my honour to request Sashar’s elevation to the rank of Exarch. Congratulations!

KPN Strategos T. Entar, Consul of Arcona

Sashar Erinos Arconae, 2007-04-09 22:00:00 UTC