Elevation Request: Obelisk Templar
Michael Arkarso (4867)
My interaction and time with Michael has been limited, but my recognition of his efforts and contributions to the Dark Brotherhood have not. I am honored to present this Dark Knight for elevation into the Equite Class as I believe he has proven himself an activity dynamo worth the recognition that will place him above his peers. Today, I request his elevation to Templar.
Clan Scholae Palatinae recently attained the honor of Second Clan in the Brotherhood Vendetta "Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness" compiling 330 Clan points - outstripping four rival Clans to affirm their right as an Elite Clan. For contributions, participation and tenacity to ensure the Clan's wartime efforts... I recognize Michael's effort. Compiling 76 individual points in the MP Gaming Event and taking the rank of 59th Overall in the Vendetta.
In addition, Michael has collected one hundred twenty seven (127) Clusters of Fire, six (6) Topaz Crescents, four (4) Quartz Crescents, one (1) Emerald Crescent, two (2) Sapphire Crescents, two (2) Amethyst Crescents, five (5) Seals of Darkness, a Legion of the Scholar, a Dark Side Scroll and completed five Shadow Academy Courses (Marksmanship, Astronomy, Capitol Ship Studies, Pre-Republic History & History of the Sith Empire I).
As a whole - totaling the sum of his efforts since elevation to Dark Knight - this member has achieved several landmarks in his Brotherhood career. His gaming efforts have totaled over five hundred (500) Clusters of Fire, accrued a spectrum of Novas (Gold, Silver, Bronze), worked as a Battle Team Leader and participated in two major Vendettas (Sixth Great Jedi War & Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness). His expertise and dedication to the Brotherhood, participation and creating a fun Star Wars community is a testament to his deserving this elevation.
Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Michael Arkarso, 2007-04-10 22:00:00 UTC