Event Details

Event ID
Vexer Thrace
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Vexer Thrace
Primary reason

In the time that I have tutored Vexer she has performed all tasks assigned with dedication and a desire to excel. She has been a strong leader for her BTL constantly creating and running competitions for them to participate as well as trying to streamline the process for them. For her Trial of Skill she has competed in 8 ACC battles winning 6 of them, participated and placed in 5 competitions. For the Trial of Knowledge she has put her character history up on the DJB Wiki. For her Master's Trial and Trial of Plagueis she has completed a Battle Team Leadership guide to help the other BTLs in our Clan as well as any that would like to learn. I have posted it up for you to read if you would like. We are trying to get this submitted for approval as an official SA course but in the mean time you can read it here if you would like http://ky.platform29.com/db/BTLleadershipguide.doc . Vexer has been a perfect student and has endeavored my sometimes outrageous demands on her patience. Time and Time again she has shown her dedication to her training accepting and completing everything that I have placed before her. I can think of nothing standing in her way of finally being awarded her saber. Congratulations my student. ~ Templar Ky Terrak

Vexer has been constantly busy in the short time I’ve beeen QUA. A member of the coveted Order of Keto, she always has great ideas and suggestions to better the house. During the Rite of Supremacy, she participated in six ACC matches and encouraged her house and clan to compete and succeed. Her work is always high quality, and, along with her constant stream of activity over the past few months always participated in every house competition no matter how small, has more than earned her the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. ~QUA Robert Daragon

Vexer Thrace, 2007-04-12 22:00:00 UTC