Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

Jagan has been a Guardian for a while now, and this is probably due to his spotty activity. Since he came back, however, he’s come back with full force. He’s had excellent IRC activity and even better email response. After his promotion he has earned an Anteian Cross, a Crescent with an Emerald Star, two Seals of Duplicity, 32 Clusters of Fire for JA, and a Dark Side Scroll from the Dark Voice. More astoundingly, he’s passed 10 SA courses since his promotion to Guardian. He wrote me a short fiction and, and is currently running two competitions along with an ACC qualification match. He applied for BTL of Battle Team Exar’s Shadow, and I have firm confidence in his leadership skills, as well. Although he has faded in and out in the past I have a feeling that Jagan is here to stay.<br>~AED Niman Visutor <br><br> Guardian Jagan is a rather new member to House Exar Kun. Don't let his short time in Exar Kun fool you; he is one of our most active members. He is running two clan-wide competitions (Fun Time Games & Big Fat Linking Quiz) and is doing rather well with those. He games every time he is available to, thus earning many Clusters of Fire. He participates in most of the competitions he can compete in, and has earned a lot of Crescents, and passed a buckload of Shadow Academy courses. Jagan is qualified for his Jedi Hunter promotion.<br>~AED Dismal Visutor <br><br> GRD Jagan earn several cluster of fire for his participation in gaming, he created several competitions for Clan plagueis, passed a ton of courses in the shadow academy and participated in several competitions as well. He deserves that promotion to Jedi Hunter.<br>~QUA Royal

Jagan, 2007-04-20 22:00:00 UTC