Event Details

Event ID
Ondur Lkaetur
Old Rank
Journeyman 1
New Rank
Journeyman 2
Requested by
Ondur Lkaetur
Primary reason

Baali has completed all of the necessary requirements for the rank of Guardian according to the Dinaari guidelines.

1) Baali earned a Dark Cross before his departure into the Rogues (7/2/2005), days after his promotion to Protector.

2) He participated in two DB-wide comps: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2658 And is currently competing in the Shadow Academy "Summer School" competition, with eight courses completed so far.

3) Baali's Battle Team assignment given to him by BTL Rigar was to compose a short history of the Battle Team, and approved by myself, which can be found here: http://geocities.com/black_panther_blue/?200729

Baali has also demonstrated a substantial level of activity on IRC, communicating with other Clan members and quickly forging connections that may have been lost in his two year absence from the Clan. Overall, Baali has shown great promise in the Shadow Academy particularly, and has shown the initiative to participate in House/Clan events and better himself.


Ondur Lkaetur, 2007-05-29 22:00:00 UTC