Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Old Rank
Dark Side Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For over a thousand years the Dark Lords of the Sith have sought perfection through change, growth, and evolution. The tool of their empowerment was their passion for success.

I am honored to elevate one such member of the Dark Brotherhood to the rank of Dark Jedi Master and the title of Darth for these very reasons.

Muz Keibatsu Sadow has served the Dark Brotherhood and his efforts have lead to growth and evolution in every area he has touched. Over the course of the last fourteen months Muz has contributed more to the Dark Brotherhood than most members of the Brotherhood have contributed in their life time.

Muz's accomplishments in no particular order are the modernization of our Robes and the creation of a member selection tool allowing for the customization of said robes. He also created a lightsaber creation tool that had revolutionized the lightsaber creation for the entire Dark Brotherhood. Muz has also played a heavy role if not the most important role in the updating and creation of Dark Brotherhood Banners. All in all, every dossier in the Dark Brotherhood now bears the work of Muz.

In addition to the work that Muz handled as his primary duties as Herald, he also contributed to the Rite of Supremacy by grading hundreds of fiction events and serving as a judge on several events. His timely grading of the fictional submissions led to the fastest turn around times the Dark Brotherhood has ever seen.

Muz has followed up his Herald work as Deputy Grand Master. His primary duty since becoming DGM has been the creation of the GJW rules and the editing of the now 80+ pages of the GJW plot. Muz's work in both of these areas has been exceptional and ahead of schedule.

The final grand cherry on top of Muz's work was the creation of the H2H guide. This guide serves as a tool for all Dark Brotherhood members when developing their characters for play in the ACC and for use in Dark Brotherhood fiction. Muz took this project upon himself and completed it in record time.

Muz, congratulations to DJM and welcome to the two man team of Darths :p

The path of a Dark Jedi is one of Strength and Power. To achieve mastery one must possess the first and seize the second. Through his hard work, dedication, and strength Muz Ashen Keibatsu Sadow has done just that, rising from a lowly Apprentice to Dark Jedi Master in a swift three and a half years, a feat that few even myself have been unable to achieve. As an AED, QUA, and PCON of Clan Naga Sadow he helped bring the clan to new levels of activity and excellence. As the Herald he placed before the Brotherhood a plethora of new projects and worked tirelessly to insure the smooth operation of one of the busiest offices of the Dark Council. Now as the Deputy Grand Master he serves the Iron Throne with the same dedication and evenhandedness that we have come to expect from this man that is very well respected. In his time here Muz has placed his friends, his family, and this Brotherhood above all else. There are those who whisper in shadows about how the man has flaws too deep to allow the honors he has received. They say that he's not right or unnatural, I say that he is everything we could become, and what we should aspire to be, Honorable, Strong, and Powerful. It is my most sincere privilege to recommend that Muz Ashen Keibatsu Sadow be elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Master.

  • Krath Epis Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

Muz has stayed up until the wee hours of the morning and worked tirelessly creating sabers and robes. His recent work on the Hand to Hand Guide shows his time, effort, skill and devotion to the Brotherhood.

In his time as DGM he has spent hours upon hours working to help get the next GJW off the ground, often coming home from work and spending the rest of the night on the computer until I would drag him off to bed, not to mention weekends as well.

He has gone above and beyond the call of duty to create a better Dark Jedi Brotherhood for us all. Muz Keibatsu Sadow, we are in your debt and it is my privilege, nay, my pleasure to recommend you for this promotion to Dark Jedi Master. ~KP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu

Muz is one of the best members that this organization has. His tireless and unceasing work towards projects that benefit the membership of this club, such as the hand-to-hand guide, the saber guide, robes, war banners, and many other works have greatly enhanced the fun factor in the Brotherhood. I can't think of anyone who has put in as many hundreds of hours and part of their life to make this club a better and more fun place. I have known Muz since my beginning as a member, and I have found him at all times to be thoughtful and available to help others. Even as he was appointed Herald and DGM, he has continued to take time to participate meaningfully in CNS conclaves as one of our Inner Order and a Son of Sadow. I am proud to consider him a friend and ally, and a role model. In summation, Muz definitely deserves to be a Dark Jedi Master- something long overdue.

-- SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura CNS Consul Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

No matter what, Muz seems to have time for people who need help in the Brotherhood. Granted he does a great amount of work for this club, graphic and coding wise, he still gets in touch with the individual members of the Brotherhood. Whether it's slapping people around through IRC or email (figuratively speaking), he still sparks the individual member greatly. Aside from his devotion to the individual, his work has been done in a timely manner and in great quality. Toi know the man is a true honor and it is truly time that he be promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Master to show him appretiation for all the work he has done and will continue to do for the Brotherhood. Congrats, big bro!!!

-SBM Shikyo "Rurouni" Keibatsu Former Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, Clan Naga Sadow

I've had the pleasure of working with Muz over the last month since his appointment as Deputy Grand Master. When Muz was chosen, there was no application process. There was one choice open the Dark Brotherhood and it was clearly Muz Keibatsu Sadow.

Since taking office, what has impressed me most about the Deputy Grand Master has been his immediate impact on the myriad projects ever at hand. I could go on to laud what projects I've seen Muz complete, his work on the scoring system for the coming Great Jedi War, or his constant presence both on IRC and email to lend any member from the Grand Master to the questioning Novice his help. I don't need to do that here however as anyone reading this can see for themselves Muz's projects linked of the main site, participate in and enjoy the next GJW, or simply ask him a question yourself and realize that this is a member who is in this for others first, himself second.

Personally, Muz has helped me by acting as one of the editors and critics of the GJW storyline I've been working on for a number of months. He has read more than 80 pages of text pointing out issues that needed addressing, typos, and helping to work the plot into shape. His assistance to me on this project has been invaluable and its a better story for his efforts. I cannot thank him enough, but perhaps this small blurb is a start.

Raken, LHoJ, P:GM

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2007-07-02 22:00:00 UTC