<I>Acolyte Qu-Le Brog stood quietly on the stage in the meeting hall of his House in front of the entirety of the House along with friends and allies he'd made throughout the clan. <BR><BR>
His Aedile, Dark Jedi Knight Etah d'Tana rose from his seat on the stage and the soft conversations diminished to silence. <BR><BR>
"Acolyte, you have proven yourself yet again and have come to this place to be recognized in front of your brethren. Is this correct?"<BR><BR>
"Yes Master." The Acolyte spoke and bowed. <BR><BR>
"Then kneel." The Aedile spoke as the Acolyte acknowledged the request and took a knee before his Aedile <BR><BR>
"Today, House Galeres recognizes Acolyte Qu-Le Brog, at the request of his master, to be promoted the the rank of Protector. At this time I call upon this one's master, Dark Jedi Knight Debric. Please come forward and give witness to this elevation in rank."<BR><BR>
From a seat in the crowd a Dark Jedi rose, with his hood raised and strode to the stage. <BR><BR>
The Acolyte's master bowed his head to the Aedile. "As Acolyte Qu-Le Brogs master, I hereby attest to this one's successful completion of the tasks laid before him."<BR><BR>
The Aedile and Master Debric extended their hands and formed shadows that joined together and veiled the Acolyte.<BR><BR>
"Apprentice," The master spoke<BR><BR>
"Yes my master?"<BR><BR>
"You are becoming more powerful with every passing hour. It is my honor to bestow upon you, along with your Aedile, the rank of Protector."<BR><BR>
"Light is limited." spoke the Aedile.<BR><BR>
"Darkness is infinite" Said the Acolyte.<BR><BR>
"Then as such Protector Qu-Le Brog rise and accept your new station within your house."<BR><BR>
The applause was thunderous as the newly elevated Protector rose and faced his brothers. He raised his arm, and shouted,<BR><BR>
I would hereby like to request a promotion for Acolyte Qu-Le Brog, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arcona's promotions guidelines, which can be seen at:http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html <BR><BR>
Qu-Le Brog has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>
-Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>
Brog has been a constant presence on IRC, and I converse with him daily through private messages or in #arcona<BR><BR>
-Complete your Character History: <BR><BR>
Brog has completed his character history.<BR><BR>
Do one of the following activities:<BR><BR>
-Participate in at least 4 (four) different competitions or multi-player matches (Gaming or ACC Live!) during MP nights.<BR><BR>
-Complete the ACC Initiates Test, complete your Character Sheet, and complete a qualification or training battle.<BR><BR>
He has completed the ACC Initiates Test and his character sheet. He has also earned ten Clusters of Fire from Gaming Nights. He has also done the IRC Basics test at the Shadow Academy as well as his Order test.<BR><BR>
As Qu-Le Brog has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request his promotion to Protector.<BR><BR>
In darkness,<BR><BR>
DJK Debric (Krath)/TYR/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: INI] <BR>
Cr-1E-1T / CF / SI / LS-AuL / S:-1C <BR>
{SA: KS: ToL - AS - IRC - GL - LF - ACC - D: KCORE - TW - K: OCORE - TS - MRK}<BR> <BR>
I received this promotion recommendation from Qu-le Brog's master and I am in full agreement with it.<BR><BR>
Qu-Le Brog, 2007-07-05 22:00:00 UTC