Event Details

Event ID
Mayda Ferium
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Mayda Ferium
Primary reason

<I>Jedi Hunter Mayda Ferium stood on the deck of the water skiff in the late evening sun as he rushed toward the island where the citadel was. She arrived on the island and caught a glimpse of the enormous ziggurat crafted in a dark red stone set on Doto Rock. They pulled the skiff onto the beach and Mayda approached the citadel.<BR><BR>

The entire population of the clan and many others had turned out for the ceremony. Mayda strode up the isle to the base of the stairs leading to the pinnacle of the ziggurat. All of the Apprentices, Novices, Acolytes, Protectors, Guardians, and Jedi Hunters were standing near the back of the columns in order of rank. The Equites and the Elders were near the head of the column with the highest ranked members at the head of the column closest to the citadel. <BR><BR>

Mayda saw her Master standing near the front of the platform eying his student confidently. Staying true to the code of the Brotherhood, the Master was in attendance to give witness to the achievements of their student. She was more exited than ever to have come so far and finally achieve this pinnacle in her training. Along with her Master was the entire membership of the Clan Arcona summit. <BR><BR>

Mayda stood before the summit of the clan as anxious could be. The pinnacle of the Journeyman ranks was within reach of her fingertips. It was this final choice that had to be made before truly gaining recognition within the Clan. He had to choose his darkness, his Shadowcrafting path. The ceremony was simple but the decision was life changing. <BR><BR>

The summit created a massive shadow that absorbed all of the light from the sun cloaking the entire area in darkness. The Hunter felt the shadow descend on her as the summit powered their lightsabers cutting through the darkness. All of the Arconans on the ground who possessed lightsabers activated them as well. The darkness was cut by the rainbow that was created by all of the Clan's lightsabers.<BR><BR>

Mayda felt the shadow around her like a glove and focused on it joining it's darkness with her own drawing it closer and using it to strengthen her own powers. The energy within the shadow was immense and it felt like it would shred through her body. The Hunter's control over the force held the fibers of her body together until the shadow was absorbed and light returned to the planet. The power of Shadowcrafting’s Inner Darkness was her’s to command. <BR><BR>

"Rise now, a Dark Jedi Knight," came the unanimous call from the summit. In front of the new Dark Jedi Knight hovered her lightsaber. The hilt shone in the sunlight and the Knight reached out and took it in her hand. She thumbed the activation switch and powered the blade. <BR><BR>

The humming felt natural in her hand as she turned to face the crowd and thrust the saber high into the air and shouted, over a thunderous applause:<BR><BR>


I would hereby like to request a promotion for Jedi Hunter Mayda Ferium, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arcona’s promotions guidelines, which can be seen at: <u>http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html</u><BR><BR>

Mayda has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>

Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>

Frequently online, and quite friendly and amusing.<BR><BR>

Have two of the Leadership exams completed:<BR><BR>

Mayda has passed both Leadership Fundamentals and General Leadership.<BR><BR>

Decide on your Shadowcrafting Path: <BR><BR>

Mayda has selected the Inner Darkness<BR><BR>

Request your Warbanner: <BR><BR>

None, but given the volume of competitions and the business of the current GJW-stricked DJB I think this requirement may be waived.<BR><BR>

Promote and run a competition for your battleteam, successfully: <BR><BR>

4/15 Submitted 2 Comps for CP – Make Mayda Laugh and Make Mayda Guffaw http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2534 http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2535 <BR><BR>

Participate in at least fifteen activities: <BR><BR>

Mayda has participated in over twenty-four activities in her JH time alone, as follows: <BR> 4/22 Submitted entry to [Scholae Palatinae] Week 4: Caption Contest! (2nd Place) <BR> 4/22 Submitted entry to [HC] Word Search<BR> 4/24 Submitted entry to [HAD] House Motto Add-on<BR> 4/29 Participated in CSP IRC Trivia (2nd Place) <BR> 4/30 Submitted Entry for [HAD] Spring Cleaning to RevengeX (C:E for 1st) <BR> 5/1 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 6 Crossword<BR> 5/1 Submitted Entry for BTDG Mandalore Guard Name Comp (C:E for 1st) <BR> 5/1 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 7 Trivia<BR> 5/1 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 11 Captions<BR> 5/2 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 8 Cryptic to Sarin<BR> 5/9 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 9 Logo<BR> 5/11 Awarded LS for IRC Saturday Trivia<BR> 5/12 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 1 <BR> 5/12 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 2<BR> 5/12 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 3<BR> 5/12 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 4<BR> 5/12 Submitted Entry for CSP Summer Games 5<BR> Operation Vitriol: Fiction 1`<BR> Operation Vitriol: Graphics <BR> A total of five gaming nights. <BR><BR>

Do one, or a combination of:<BR> -Earn fourty Clusters of Fire<BR> -Complete five battles at the Antei Combat Center<BR> -Write fifteen pages of character-based fiction<BR><BR>

Mayda has earned a total of 15 Clusters of fire, and has written multiple pages of fiction for her Wiki as well as unrelated fiction, to a total of over ten pages. This, along with her gross overqualification in events participated should be sufficient to waive the remaining requirements.<BR><BR>

Write either a High-quality fiction detailing the creation of your lightsaber, or create a high-quality graphic depicting your lightsaber.

Mayda has written a fiction detailing her lightsaber creation.<BR><BR>

As Mayda has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request her promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. <BR><BR>

In darkness, <BR><BR>

KE Timeros Caesus Entar, Consul Arcona

Mayda Ferium, 2007-07-14 22:00:00 UTC