Dark Jedi Knight Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu: It is said that Dark Jedi Knight Sai NaAshar Keibatsu is one of the most promising members in the Dark Brotherhood. Having served as a Battle Team leader and Rollmaster, Sai ensured the smooth logistical operation of Clan Naga Sadow and helped push CNS forward through the Great Jedi War. This effort and dedication is multiplied when viewed from the perspective that Sai is but a journeymen in the Brotherhood.
Having proven himself above and beyond the status of a journeyman, I, Grand Master Sarin, elevate Dark Jedi Knight Sai NaAshar Keibatsu to the rank of Krath Priest.
Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu is for lack of better words the most promising member I have ever seen in my eight years in the Dark Brotherhood. His enthusiasm for this club is second to none, and his desire to do everything within his power and ability to make it a better place for all is simply beyond compare. Serving as both a Battleteam Leader and as the Rollmaster for Clan Naga Sadow he ensured the smooth operation of his Battleteam the Jade Serpents and the seamless transition of the Master/Student Program from the previous Rollmaster (me). He has maintained meticulous records on the achievements of the members greatly reducing the amount of time necessary for administrative affairs. He has worked with the Envoys of the clan to ensure that new members are afforded the educational opportunities they are entitled to. Furthermore he has held both Masters and Apprentices accountable for their portions in the Master/Student Program; this is no easy thing for a Dark Jedi Knight to hold those who are several grades above him in rank to task. Beyond all of these facts and the fact that he has a newborn child to care for Sai continued to be a contributing member in the Seventh Great Jedi War.
The work speaks for the nature of the man, but beyond this his character is second to none. Sai's care for this organization is beyond compare. He works tirelessly to make sure that all members high or low receive the same quality of care and the attention that they deserve. He takes the time and goes out of his way to help members in need and even goes so far as to maintain real life contact with several members so that potential situations can be abrogated even swifter than otherwise possible. In short this gentleman is the very sort of person who embodies the Legacy of Clan Naga Sadow and who is in my opinion a rising star within the Dark Brotherhood. It is my profound pleasure and honor to recommend that Dark Jedi Knight Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu be elevated to Krath Priest for his outstanding work and exemplary dedication to his clan and the Brotherhood.
Krath Pontifex Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu
Shi Kensei, 2007-08-24 22:00:00 UTC