Event Details

Event ID
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

This has been an award waiting for Vodo for so long, and it's my pleasure to finally give my Aedile the recognition he deserves for his service in Ektrosis and Taldryan. When I first joined the Brotherhood, Vodo was a guide of sorts to me, and helped me through a lot of my initial struggles as a leader in Battleteam Hex. I had little idea what I was doing, and he coached me up and gave me pointers on the best way to raise activity and prove I was a dedicated member of the House. After building Hex to its pinnacle of activity and domination, I was appointed Aedile of Dinaari and left my beloved House Ektrosis for a few months before returning again to fill a vacancy of QUA due to some Summit position shifting. Vodo had sprung in activity over this period of time, and left Hex himself to become BTL of Phoenix, a struggling Battleteam.

During this time period, Vodo organized the Ektrosis Olympics under QUA Chaosrain's approval, and the Battleteams had a series of events that tested each member against their brothers and sisters in other Battleteams. The competition was beautifully organized, and went fairly well than most anticipated. His eagerness to raise activity and engage other members of his House has been a constant theme in his years in Ektrosis, and was recognized by his appointment to Aedile as I transferred back to Ektrosis. I was more than delighted to work with Vodo, and really wouldn't have it any other way. He's friendly, good-natured, and always in a positive mood, something that I occasionally have trouble with :P

Vodo has been an engaged and active leader in Ektrosis, always finding some way we could make the House better, boost morale, or just have more fun. His ideas are creative and witty, although sometimes a little too creative :P . He was an active member of the Seventh Great Jedi War, participating in the run on, three poetry/gfx events, four fiction events, and fought in the ACC. His dedication and loyalty to Taldryan deserves recognition, and I believe an elevation to the Equite ranks serves him justice. Congratulations, Priest Biask, you've earned this one!

+OT Sklib+

This promotion has been held over a week longer than I hoped so I won’t waste more time with a huge recommendation when Sklib has put it so well. Vodo has been in Taldryan for years and over the past say year and a half he has really stood out in House Ektrosis and scored well for us in two Great Jedi Wars, a Rite of Supremacy, and many other things including leadership spots and competition participation. Congratulations on this well earned award Vodo.

For Taldryan,

Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System <br>

Vodo did a great job as Ektrosis’ Aedile ever since he was given the job. He did two fictions earning the clan bonus points with one; he did three graphics earning extra points for the clan with two of them; he had six wins in the ACC, and made twelve posts in the run on earning the clan major participation points in that event. Vodo also helped lead Ektrosis during the war. The encouragement he gave to his members was greatly appreciated and needed. Vodo’s term as Aedile of Ektrosis has been a productive one. He does everything he needs to and often goes beyond the call to help his members. He is a true leader, and someday will be a big part of the DB. Congratulations Vodo, you earned this!

~PCON Chaosrain Taldrya

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2007-09-01 22:00:00 UTC