Event Details

Event ID
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia
Primary reason

I cannot say this elevation was unexpected, as this member has continually stepped forward and delivered for Scholae Palatinae time and time again. Showing an uncanny ability to learn and develop initiatives of his own, Yzarc has proven himself the master of the Brotherhood mechanics that helped him attain his current position and the adoration of his peers. Today we honor his work in the GJW, Trials of the Dragon and his ability to step in as a Leader.

Scholae Palatinae battled through the Seventh Great Jedi War to attain the prestigious title of Second Clan. Under the banner of the dragon, fifty three (53) individuals contributed to our final standings - assisting in a multitude of manners across a broad spectrum of events. Of these warriors, I present this individual of great achievement before the Master At Arms to be rewarded for their contributions in this Vendetta.

Contributing two, solid run-on posts for our third overall piece, forty nine matches of Jedi Academy, twenty three matches of Empire At War, fourteen (amazing!) ACC matches and one fiction entry (for full marks!)... it was apparent we could count on the young Journeyman. Additionally, with several forced Leaves of Absence during the war, this man stepped forward in House Caliburnus to ensure that our Envoys system flourished in the final four weeks of the Vendetta. Not only was he responsible for juggling these newfound responsibilities of sending welcome e-mails, follow-up letters and weekly mentorship communications... but he found time to carve his mark on CSP's war effort.

For his Trials, Yzarc was tasked in several arenas of 'Brotherhood thoroughness' that we seek for in their training. His activity section was completed twice over in the GJW... and thus, I'm pleased to report finished. However, we also tasked him with completing his Character History (the big one in a word file, not the DB one) and converting the information to his Wiki Page. He has accumulated pages and pages of fiction, all of which has helped him fall into his character even more wholly. Additionally, he has completed leadership tasks... writing a House Report (very clean code and concise content), writing a recommendation (he contributed on a promotion request for a JH) and a small five paragraph essay on the import of contacting new members (where he introduced some new ideas for consideration at the Clan level).

Lastly, I would be remiss not to mention his work as an Aedile. He has developed several competitions (one of which will be running relatively soon for House Caliburnus), oversaw contact on this rush of new recruits, delivered his reports on-time (Envoy reports and AED reports) and promoted new members as they become eligible for advancement. He is also a contributor on major Clan Projects such as the Fleet Reset, CSP Paths (Imperial Knights) and the scripting of future clan-level competitions and clan restructuring. His ability to easily step into these roles are a testament to his mastery of the Brotherhood and I am honored to advance him unto the rank of Dark Knight, awarding him his lightsaber.

Braecen Kaeth Kunar Proud Master

Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia, 2007-09-10 22:00:00 UTC