Event Details

Event ID
Callus Bo'amar
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

There are different reasons for why Callus is still a Dark Jedi Knight after two years, but no matter what they are he is finally being rewarded for all his work. During those two years, Callus has had varying levels of activity, but over time it added up into a loyal member who's willing to help. While I cannot comment on what he did in Clan Naga Sadow or Arcona, I can on what he has done in Clan Plagueis.

Since his last promotion, Callus served as Quaestor of House Aleema in Clan Satal Keto (yeah, way long ago) for four months, during which time he released steady reports and ran tons of competitions, and then Aedile of House Exar Kun for another two months. He has also earned four Dark Crosses, two Anteian Crosses, one Bronze Nova, four Seals of Retribution, a Seal of Loyalty, thirteen crescents, three Seal of Alliance, two Dark Side Scrolls, several Clusters of Fire, a Seal of Duplicity, three Legions of the Scholar, as well as Seals of Pain.

Finally, though, is his most recent activity in Clan Plagueis, where he served first as House Envoy, and now as Clan Envoy, a job he is doing very well at. He is serving as a master to one of our Journeymen, is working on a better set of promotion guidelines, keeps the Google Groups updated, and now has taken on the task of organizing of clan-wide vendetta almost by himself, writing the weekly chapters, events, etc.

No matter what happens, Callus always ends up back in the Brotherhood, wanting to be active and help. Over two and a half years he has keep up steady activity in various leadership positions, and his activity most recently in Plagueis proves that. Congratulations, Callus, welcome to the Equite Class ~ Consul Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar

Zanet Xox, 2007-11-22 12:39:45 UTC