Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Ric "Blade" Hunter
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

I come before the Master At Arms today to nominate an individual for elevation - a rise in rank that is long overdue. Dark Jedi Knight Malevolent Blade is a recent addition to Scholae Palatinae, but he is a long-standing fixture of the Dark Brotherhood; spending the majority of his days in Clan Taldryan. Yet, it is here - under the banner of CSP - that we reward his longevity, ingenuity and participation in our club.

Since his previous elevation, Blade has strung together an impressive array of awards and honors. He collected twelve crescents (Cr-Q, 4 Cr-T, 3 Cr-E, 2 Cr-S, 2 Cr-A), seven clusters of fire, eight Dark Side Scrolls, three Anteian Crosses, one Steel Cross, two Silver Novas, four Seals of Duplicity, seven Seals of Retribution, nine Seals of Memories and nine Seals of Pain. His impressive resume includes war efforts in no less than four Brotherhood-wide Vendettas and two stints of leadership: Tetrarch within Taldryan (over two months) & Aedile of House Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae. In both respects, he was available to his membership via e-mail and IRC, provides reports and gives direction to those under his command.

Last, but not least, this member has accelerated our belief in his raw talent by providing high-quality images for our recently completed "Clan Scholae Palatinae Dominion" document. These high-detail, rich images add an amazing - and previously unseen in the Brotherhood - dimension to the overall quality of the document. He has spent countless hours in the past month to provide us fifteen (15) images with plans for many more. In conjunction with his past merits and the work he has already completed for our Clan... I wholly believe this individual worthy of an elevation to the first rank of the Equites: Sith Warrior.

Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2007-11-26 09:27:48 UTC