Event Details

Event ID
Cipher K'oranian Isradia
Old Rank
Krath Priestess (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriestess (Equite 2)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

On behalf of Clan Plagueis and the Dark Brotherhood, I am honored to elevate Krath Priest Cipher K'oranian Isradia to the rank of Krath Archpriest.

Cipher has served as a dedicated and loyal member to Clan Exar Kun and now Clan Plagueis. In the three years since her last promotion she has held the position of QUA twice, AED twice, and Rollmaster once. Her dedication and effort while holding these positions were second to none and she influenced countless new members into staying within the Dark Brotherhood.

Recently Cipher has returned to the leadership ranks and has served as the most active of all Clan Plagueis leadership. Her efforts in reporting, competition running, and serving as a calming influence in Plagueis has provided great benefits for the Clan.

I am honored to award this long overdue promotion to my favorite Halo 3 player. Congrats Cipher.

GM Sarin

In the time that Cipher has been QUA she has been a prime example to her members. She keeps her members up to date with regular reports and always has things for them to do. She reaches out to newer members and encourages them and shows them how they can succeed. Cipher is currently working with the house members to reform its membership base, by helping to restructure the leadership responsibilities and define their roles. She is an integral part of the clan and is deserving of this reward. ~ PCON Ky Terrak

Since joining Plagueis again and becoming a leader, Cipher has continued to show us how dedicated she is to helping us move forward. Releasing reports, competitions, and helping with various house and clan projects, she is at the head of the revitilization of House Exar Kun ~ CON Aabs

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-12-25 06:41:00 UTC