Event Details

Event ID
Charon Lorccan "Ziltopia" Blathnat
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

It is unfortunate that, from time to time, a member of the Brotherhood may find him or herself a bit short on what they have earned. There could be any number of reasons for this, including the fact that so many leaders get caught up in the present (especially when just entering the position) that they fail to look on the past. In Ziltopia's case, this is what I perceive to be the greatest issue.

Since her last promotion (5 years ago), Ziltopia has not entirely given up on the DB, though she has become somewhat disheartened. A review of her record, however, reveals that she has done much in that time.

She has participated in numerous Brotherhood, clan, and house competitions, evening grabbing a bronze nova in a Great Jedi War, which is no small feat. She set up an in-character, quasi-RP thread on the clan message boards which ran well, and has even seen some more recent activity. She has also passed several SA courses since her last promotion. Most recently, she was the first to participate in my competition to suggest clan comps, and she has indicated a willingness to be active even more.

To just rely upon this activity, however, might seem a bit off beat for a promotion even of this level. Fortunately, Ziltopia also served as a Rollmaster, DV staff member, DV Tribune, and a battleteam leader.

For her long term service, both in day to day activity and various positions of responsibility, I hereby request that Ziltopia be promoted to Krath Archpriest. I hope to see even more from her in the future. ~Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-12-26 11:25:00 UTC