Since his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, Dante has been a flurry of activity and leadership. His constant presence in the Brotherhoods communication channels as well as his consistent activity within his House and Clan have more than earned him the rank of Templar. He leads by example, participating in as many events that he can get his hands on, winning a good deal of them.
To give you a short run down of his accomplishments, Dante has garnerned the following awards and accolades since his promotion to Knight:
8 Emerald
3 Sapphire
2 Topaz
5 Ruby
1 Amethyst
1 Quartz
Other Awards:
529 Clusters of Fire
1 Pendant of Blood
1 Anteian Cross
1 Scroll of Indoctrination
Positions Held:
Commander of Nightmare Squadron
Left Hand of Justice (Current)
He consistently tears up the ICTE, winning three weeks in a row, blowing the competition out of the water. During the 2007 CSP Winter Games, dante submitted to all 12 events, maxing out on participation points as well as gaining himself enough placement points to vault him into second place overall. This was no small feat, as he had to submit 27 screenshots, 10 webhunt items, 15 captions, and a well thought out Secret Santa gift for Kaine Mandaala.
With all this combined as well as his service to the Brotherhood as Left Hand of Justice in one of the more judicial periods in DB history, I hereby recommend Angelo Dante for promotion to the rank of Templar. Welcome to the Equite ranks Dante!
~Prelate Lucien Kaeth
ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae
Knight Class Envoy of Scholae Palatinae
Grand Marshall of the Cocytus System
Over the last four months one name has splattered everyone's inbox. Angelo Dante. Dante has been the single most active member of House Dorimad Sol for some time now. Most impressively, he has done this activity at personal leisure. To begin with, Dante has shaken up the DBs gaming. In the last 2 months Dante has placed in many ICTE events, winning 3 of three of them. In ICTE alone, Dante has earned many high level crescents including 2 Amethyst Crescents, at least 4 Ruby crescents, and more. Dante regularly collects hordes of Clusters of fire, numbering more than 80 in this past week alone. In the past 4 months he has collected several hundred Clusters, near 300 in total. Dante has also accumulated 3 pendants of blood in a short period of time, an admirable reward within the gaming community.
Above the commitment to gaming, Dante also shows a commitment to House and Clan. Dante has participated in nearly every competition made available to him. He has also placed in many of them. His medal case has come up with 2 topaz, 3 Sapphire, 2 Quartz, and 3 emerald crescents. His continued activity in the clan makes Dante an excellent role model for all members of the Clan, noobies and oldtimers alike. Another sterling example of Dante's awesomeness is his SI. Recruitment of new members is critical to the functioning of the Brotherhood, and Dante understands this. Dante's participation in CSPs Reclaimation event vastly helped his Former house, Caliburnus, in claiming the mantle of victory in the overall even.
Additionally, Dante has served as LHoJ for some time now. This additional amount of work has made Dante invaluable to the Brotherhood as a whole. The justice system is upheld with his dedicated investigation and fair rulings. I am sure Kir will have nothing but good to say about Dante and his work in the CoJ.
Beyond all of this
Dante shows impeccable character in everything he does. I will even excuse the fact that he is always the Imps when we play BF2! Dante is always willing to help, works efficiently, and does what he is told. This is a great asset to have not only as a DB member, but as a working cog in the Clan machine. I applaud Dante for his continued hard work, excellent track record, and dedication to his clan. I feel that Dante is prepared for elevation to the levels of Equite. Congratulations Dante!
#5101- Thran Occasus
Lucien, 2008-02-14 18:28:41 UTC