Event Details

Event ID
Shikyo Keibatsu
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

On behalf of Sarin:

The position of Herald is one of the most time consuming and demanding positions in all of the Dark Brotherhood. Nine months ago I had major concerns over filling the position after Muz's departure; however, these concerns were quickly erased after Shikyo's selection.

Shikyo has dedicated his time and energy to improving the Dark Brotherhood and enhancing our members experience. His daily work on custom warbanners, sabers, and robes provide our members with special extras that cannot be found in other clubs across the Internet.

In addition to Shikyo's daily activities he has worked countless hour on Grand Master directed projects. These projects include order specific robes, emblems, lightsabers, and various other graphics. These new enhancements will offer our members more customization and invidualizion of their characters.

Finally, I cannot discount Shikyo's service as a QUA and LHoJ since his last promotion. These positions; both intensive, required activity beyond a normal members standards. Combine these positions and Shikyo's work as Herald with his stellar record as an example to our members, and we have a clear picture of someone who should be promoted.

Congratulations on your promotion to Sith Battlelord and thanks for all you do.

GM Sarin Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

Since his last promotion, I've watch Shikyo rise from Quaestor to Left Hand of Justice and on to hold a position on the Dark Council as Herald. He has done a plethora of robes, sabers and warbanners as well as graphic projects for rebirth and his graphics skills improve with every project. He has continued to mentor to the younger members of the brotherhood, setting an example for the leadership of Naga Sadow as well as the rest of the clans. He is dedicated to the continuation of this club and it is with pleasure that I recommend him for this promotion to Sith Battlelord.

KAP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu PCON Clan Naga Sadow

Shikyo has been a a very solid addition to the Dark Council. Kaine is a hard act to follow, but Shikyo has performed admirably, picking up exactly where he was needed, creating large numbers of sabers and warbanners. But Herald is not all just dossier items, although many may think that's all there is. Shik has had the daunting task of working his own personal art style to match the current style of the site that Jac, Kaine and I have worked to establish. He's also worked long hours learning a new and difficult program that is more or less essential to Heralding since I took the job. On top of all this, he has been instrumental in several projects that fly underneath the radar, secret stuff that will be released soon...both as a sounding board, an idea man, and -even harder to come by- as backup to get the work done. And all of this neglects to discuss the fact that he did serve as a Quaestor and as Left Hand of Justice since his last promotion. Such dedication and hard work is hard to find in any member, and I think that this alone speaks to why he should be elevated. As such, I am honored to reccommend Shikyo Keibatsu to Sith BattleLord.

Muz Keibatsu Sadow Deputy Grand Master

Kraval Taldrya, 2008-02-27 06:55:14 UTC