Event Details

Event ID
Corax "Baron" Zarjin
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

Since joining Clan Taldryan Baron has demonstrated his worth by displaying a great amount of activity in various forms. I have little doubt that he will be a valuable asset to Taldryan in the coming year and beyond.

Baron has earned forty-nine Clusters of Fire (and no doubt more are coming after this week's gaming events wrap up), completed five Shadow Academy exams, participated in at least nine competitions on various levels, completed both his Advancement Survey and Training Saber as well as the usual joining activity.

In addition he maintains a very steady and active IRC presence and is becoming a staple of the Clan. Baron is more than deserving of this elevation to the rank of Jedi Hunter and I look forward to watching his progress on the long road to Knighthood. Congratulations, Baron, you've certainly earned this one.

, 2008-03-01 11:07:48 UTC