Sidarace is without a doubt the most enthusiastic member of Clan Taldryan in a long time. Since joining he has shown absolute dedication to the Clan and a determination to succeed and be a part of Taldryan's rich history. It would be easy to overlook Sidarace for promotion since he doesn't do a whole lot of "core" activities but his efforts in other areas more than make up for it.
Since joining the Brotherhood Sidarace has demonstrated perhaps the best communication efforts of anyone within House Dinaari. He maintains a constant presence on IRC, chatting with both his superiors and fellow Clan-mates, and not a week goes by that I don't get an e-mail from him just telling me what's going on. He's gotten started on making a character page for himself on the DJB Wiki and he's gotten more a few posts up on the forums.
While computer difficulties prevent him from gaming like he did when he first joined the Brotherhood, he participates in virtually every competition that he can - since being elevated to Guardian he has competed in nine total competitions on various levels, earning five Crescents for his work. He has contributed several articles for the upcoming edition of the "Taldryan Times" and has proven his loyalty time and time again.
It is my honor and privilege to recommend Sidarace Rathden for elevation to the rank of Jedi Hunter ... while the road to Knighthood will be long and difficult, I expect his dedication to Clan Taldryan to remain as strong as always. Congratulations, Sidarace ... you've earned this one.
, 2008-03-01 13:33:00 UTC