Elevation within the Equite class does not come lightly, nor does it come without a great amount of activity and service as a leader and role model within the Dark Brotherhood. It is my opinion that Templar Xan has demonstrated both of those talents since his last elevation. And that he is deserving of this elevation to Prelate.
Since his last elevation, he has accrued a vast collection of awards spanning the Brotherhood's Codex: Three hundred and eighty four (384) Clusters of Fire, eight crescents (Cr-R, Cr-A, 2 Cr-S, Cr-E, Cr-Q, 2 Cr-T), a Scroll of Indoctrination (SoI), a Pendant of Blood, Seal of Pain (8th GJW), Seal of Duplicity (7th GJW), three (3) Dark Crosses and an Anteian Cross. He also served, with distinction, as the Roll Master and Envoy of House Dorimad Sol. Before it became the 'norm' to send a variety of contact e-mails and weekly mentorship e-mails, Xan was spearheading this effort within Clan Scholae Palatinae. His work (and his letters) would lay the groundwork to the Envoy systems currently in effect in both CSP and CP. In addition to his contact e-mails, he was also a gateway of information for new and old members alike - serving their needs as an ambassador to help create Master-Apprentice pairings.
Last, but not least, Xan served as a role model unto his Clan and peers. He was a Master to Rasilvenaira - whom has attained QUA and SBL, at this day - and taught her the importance of new member contact and development. He also is a distinguished JA player, whom is willing to teach his craft to anyone whom is willing and receptive. As such, he works with the members of Clan Scholae Palatinae on our private server to help them improve their basic fundamentals in hopes of pushing his Clan over the 'edge' in the next Brotherhood Vendetta. We call this current position "Ward of the North", but what I should call him is a good, young man with a positive attitude and a desire to see the Brotherhood, and his Clan, thrive.
Congratulations on your elevation, Xan. You have surely waited long enough on this. Never believe that your contributions are overseen or unappreciated in this Clan.
Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2008-03-16 18:42:58 UTC