Since joining House Qel-Droma, Xehr has shown his dedication by aiding his House in the recent Feud. He has done a remarkable job keeping up with the activities and has made me a very happy Quaestor. For the Feud he placed 3rd in the Defacement Posters Competition, placed 2nd in the Forces Collide Competition, placed 1st in the Chapter 4 Graphics Event, placed 1st in the Chapter 5 Graphics Event, placed 2nd in the Knowledge is Power Competition, and posted twice in the Run On. He has done an amazing job and I wish to Promote him to the rank of Guardian.
~SWL Quejo Drakai Xyler
Xehr only recently joined Arcona but his lust for activity is truly uplifting. He got stuck right into the competitions wihtout much guidance, but used initiative and skill to truly shine. An exemplary member and one to watch for the future. Congratulations Xehr, thoroughly deserved.
~ DJM Mejas Doto
Mejas Doto, 2008-03-21 04:26:36 UTC