Alexander Anderson has proved his readiness and willingness as an active member of his club. I have not met anyone who has worked so hard to be where he is today. Commander Anderson's determination and leadership skills have resulted in many, many Journeymen being promoted from Acolyte to Protector and leaving House Marka Ragnos Training Battleteam, Ravana Squadron. He has also written total of eight Battleteam Leader reports and requested a total of eleven medal recommendations; this also doesn't include how many Novice's he has requested promotions to Acolyte who have been through Ravana Squadron.
Since his last promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter in 1/2/2008, Xander has run the following competitions: Ylith's Going Away Gift (1/19/2008), Clan Battle Analysis (1/10/2008) Weekly Caption Contest Renewed (1/19/2008).
He had written six out of those eight BTL Reports during that time as well. Xander also was awarded a Dark Side Scroll (1/7/2008) for taking down the minutes in a Clan Meeting. He also completed Chamber of Justice (1/14/2008) and Conflict Mediation (1/14/2008). He even applied for a position in the Chamber of Justice when one opened up.
Everything, Everything, Xander has done has proved how ready he is to take that final step
He is a Dark Jedi Knight, he has shown what it means to accept the responsibility of joined the others in Clan Naga Sadow as a Knight
as a Knight! I therefore humbly request that the Master-At-Arms grant Jedi Hunter Alexander Anderson his Dark Jedi Knight robes so he may stand before his House and Clan triumphant in successfully passing his Trials of Knighthood. Xander
you earned this.
SBM Ashura Isradia, QUA of HMR.
Alexander Anderson (Xander) is more than ready to join the Knighted ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. In his time with Clan Naga Sadow he has participated in and run a slew of competitions most recently coming in second place in the CNS Artisans competition. He has trained extensively in the Shadow Academy gaining knowledge that is essential for the successful progression of ones career within the DB. He has stepped up and led the members of his Battleteam with dedication and due diligence, and he has picked up slack on projects when others couldn't.
To cite a full accounting of all his accomplishments would be both redundant and require several more pages of text, so I will simply state that as his Master, as a Son of Sadow, and as a long standing and experienced member of this organization that it is time to Knight Alexander Anderson so that such an exemplary member can advance one step closer to the lofty positions I know he will attain in time. Congratulations Xander this promotion is well deserved.
Krath Pontifex Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sadow
Alexander Anderson has been an exemplary member. He has competed in numerous competitions, ran just as many of his own for his battle team and for his house and clan;
completed his sabre fiction and all the tasks set before him by his summit and master. His presence on IRC is always a pleasant one and I frequently see him aiding newer members and being a friend to them. He is a true asset to
this clan as well as the Brotherhood as a whole. He has gone above and beyond to earn his saber and I am proud to recommend him for this promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.
KAP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
PCON Clan Naga Sadow
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2008-03-22 20:54:29 UTC