I would hereby like to request a promotion for Acolyte Fajhal, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arconas promotions guidelines, which can be seen at: <u>http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html</u><BR><BR>
NAME has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>
Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>
He is on IRC daily<BR><BR>
Complete your Character History: <BR><BR>
Fajhal has completed his character history and started work on his wiki article<BR><BR>
Do one of the following activities:<BR>
Participate in at least 4 (four) different competitions or multi-player matches (Gaming or ACC Live!) during MP nights..<BR>
Complete the ACC Initiates Test, complete your Character Sheet, and complete a qualification or training battle.<BR><BR>
Fajhal has earned no less than 7 clusters of fire in various gaming nights and also participated and placed in two battle-team level competitions, as well as participating in the Clan RO and is also awaiting judgement of an ACC Training battle.<BR><BR>
As Fajhal has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request his promotion to Protector. <BR><BR>
In darkness, <BR><BR>
OP Sashar Arconae
Jorad Erinos, 2008-05-27 14:25:45 UTC