Event Details

Event ID
Shi Kensei
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

On behalf of Clan Naga Sadow, I am honored to recommend this promotion:

Dark Jedi MasterAstronicus "Tron" Aurelius Sadow - Tsainetomo has demonstrated a remarkable performance as Rollmaster for the entire Clan - welcoming new members, acclimating them to their new environment and making sure their needs were cared for by maintaining the Master and Student program within the Clan. - He has run multiple comps, competed like mad in every DB-wide comp there has been (one of our top scorers), mentored new folks FAR beyond welcoming them, has done wiki work, and does an outstanding job as RM. I see him as one of the people I can count on. - He is a genuine example of a steadfast active member of the Brotherhood and this promotion is well over due. - He has held competitions for the entire clan (CNS - In Memoriam & M.I.A. - No Longer!). - Some of his achievements since his last promo are: 1. Received five (5) Seals of Pain, GJW 8 Participation 2. Received Cr-1Q, Cr-3E, Cr-2A, and Cr-2R for placement in House, Clan, and DB wide comps 3. Received 1 DSS for Wiki Temporary Auditor duties 4. Received 1 GN for participation in GJW 8 Runon 5. Received 1 GC for Rollmaster Duties 6. Received SoL for Loyalty to CNS 7. As steward of MSP, have overseen the ascension of no less than three (3) Journeymen to DJK (Fenris, Faeril, Xander). 8. Completed 4 SA Courses with scores of 100%, and received DM:L degree. 9. 3 LS for Trivia creation -- He is leading the Master Student program in making sure that students in need are being assigned competent masters.

Warlord Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu Sadow - Since his last elevation on 8/25/07, Tsainetomo (formerly Sai) has been a shining example of what a good leader is in this Clan. His duties as Rollmaster are arduous, and he does them well. Our MSP is well run, to the point of being a well-oiled machine. Let's not forget that RM's now have Envoy duties as well, and Sai has done the job accurately and admirably, with welcoming emails of substance to each new member. - He has also earned since his last promotion: 5 Seals of pain, a Gold nova, 10 Crescents (one of which was a ruby that he beat me to :P), a Grand Cross, a Seal of Loyalty (thus demonstrating how much his work means to our Clan), a Dark Side Scroll, and 3 Legions of the Scholar. He recently ran a very well-received 3-part Rollmaster's trivia competition, and the judging was no easy affair from the entries I saw. He has also passed 5 additional SA courses in this time, including earning a Maven degree. Don't forget, he has entered several IG events, which have yet to be tallied and seals/medals awarded. I suspect he will perform well as he usually does in the Independence Games. - As far as other things go, Tsainetomo has been instrumental in every large competition this Clan has been in, being one of our consistent top scorers. He also participates with thoughtful, well written runon posts in the runons we so dearly love, with several having happened in this time period. I consider him to be a pillar of this institution, a good friend, and someone I can rely on to do his job and do it well.

Krath Pontifex Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sadow - Exemplary. If I had to pick a word that describes Tsainetomo that would be it. He is an exemplary member of Clan Naga Sadow and of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a whole. His work speaks for itself, from competitions to wiki work to his administration of the Master/Student program of Clan Naga Sadow. He is a mentor to the new, a confidant to the veterans and a friend to all. His wisdom is valued, his enthusiasm is addictive and his work ethic is unparalleled. In short he is everything that each and everyone of us should strive to be. - Patient, Loyal, Hard Working. He is one of my best friends and the greatest apprentice I have ever had. It is my greatest pleasure to recommend that Krath Priest Tsainetomo Keibatsu by elevated to the rank of Archpriest with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities appertaining thereto.

Epis Ashia Kagan Keibatsu - Tsainetomo Keibatsu...wow...what a mouthful. I'll just call him Sai. Sai has been an extraordinary Roll Master for Clan Naga Sadow. He has worked with the MSP program to improve things for both the student and the master. Kept up on the pairings and worked out difficulties between the masters and the students. - He has been a shinning example of what a leader should be for CNS. He is always willing to lend a hand to any of the members, new and old alike. Since his last promo, Sai, was very active in the last GJW winning 5 Seal's of Pain and a Gold Nova for his efforts. He was earned numerous Crescents and Legions of Scholars and was even awarded a Grand Cross for all his work. I couldn't ask for a better Roll Master to serve my clan and it is for this reason I am proud to recommend him for this promotion to Arch Priest.

Dark Adept Syn Kaek

Syn Kaek, 2008-05-28 16:06:58 UTC