Event Details

Event ID
General Zentru'la
Old Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
New Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

On behalf of Clan Scholae Palatinae and by the authority vested in me as Master At Arms, I hereby approve this promotion to Krath Epis. Congratulations. Recommendations submitted on your behalf are as follows:

During my tenure as Aedile of House Caliburnus, as well as my stay in the House, one member has always stood out above the rest in activity, steadfastness and ingenuity. Her constant activity is as surprising as it is inspiring. Impetus, the person in question, has participated in every major competition that CSP has been engaged in since I joined the House, as well as many lesser competitions. Her activity in terms of House and Clan projects has been brilliant, along with her constant vigilance in keeping CSP's wiki's looking great and fitting the Wiki Tribune's rules.

Few in the Dark Brotherhood can match her dedication and sheer amount of activity. For these reasons, I recommend Impetus for elevation to the rank of Krath Epis

Sith Warrior Brent Ligur Victae

Quaestor of House Caliburnus

I wanted to thank you for your considerable, innate talents as a member of the Dark Brotherhood. You easily engage your peers, give them your time to teach them new skills, and provide entertainment by role-playing with them, as well. And that is just what you do for Clan Plagueis in an unofficial capacity - as a member of the Brotherhood. You are an outstanding role model and should know that what you do, and how you do it, makes you one of the truly talented members of our club.

I have included your superiors so that they too might know just how far your work reaches into our club. Thank you, Impetus.

Servant of the Brotherhood,

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Clan Plagueis

Safeguarder of Sheep

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the last 2 years I have had the esteemed pleasure of getting to know Impetus. In this time, I have seen nothing from Imp that would suggest anything other than perfection. The number of individual accomplishments that this lovely Twi'lek has racked up in the past year is mind boggling. Though Impetus has not been in a summit position the opinions that Impetus shares with the leadership shapes the entire clan. Above and beyond the wonderful example that Impetus sets for the clan, Impetus has also completed a myriad of personal achievements. These range from competition entries, to wiki construction, to ACC combat, and many more.

To begin, in the past year, Impetus has earned 19 individual Crescents from different competitions. Combined with a handful (at least 3 dozen) Clusters of Fire, Several Legions of the Scholar, A Pendant of Blood, Seals from GJW8, it is clear to see the active presence of this adored Priestess within the clan. Additionally her hard work as Ward of the South, or the Clan's Wikilady, has merited her several merit awards including a Dark Cross and more impressively, an Amethyst Kukri.

While the sheer workload that Impetus has cranked out is more than enough to merit an elevation, I would like to spend a significant portion of time describe the caliber of character that Impetus displays. Never in my entire life have I seen someone so open and willing to help. Whenever there is something that needs to be tackled, Impetus is right there with ideas and willingness to see it through. This type of dedication and vigor for DB life is rarely seen in this day and age. One perfect example of this is with the Clan Menagerie project, which was spearheaded by myself. When I sought to expand the project, Impetus buried me in ideas. Furthermore, Impetus showed a great excitement for the project and was prompt to include other facets of the Clan's fictional background which had escaped me. Unfortunately for both of us, the project never gathered the steam it needed to make it to public release, partly due to all the upcoming changes to the Brotherhood.

Furthermore, as Ward of the South, Impetus has taken several newer members under her lekku. She has worked with Xathia and Robin Hawk, teaching them how to become an integral part of the clan outside of leadership positions. To me, this is the greatest accomplishment than an equite can do. Everywhere that Imp goes, a wake of production and happiness are left. Should anyone have questions, concerns, or should they just want to talk…Impetus is your Twi'lek. It is this kind of personal relationship that will contribute to the continual growth of our clan and this club as a whole.

Impetus is one of the friendliest people in our clan. Rarely, if ever, does Imp grow angry or act in a manner that is immature. Impetus continues to be one of the best examples that this clan has. In spite of youth, Impetus teaches me many things about my own conduct within the clan. I am proud to say that Impetus is in Clan Scholae Palatinae. It is refreshing to think that the future of our club lies with such a dedicated, level-headed, intelligent, and visionary young person. More importantly, I am glad to call Impetus a friend.

Congratulations Impetus. We love you.

-SBL Thran Occasus, QUA House Dorimad Sol

Since her promotion to Archpriestess, Impetus has continued to do what she will always do. She has remained superbly active, taking her first LoA ever last week. She has remained ever vigilant over the CSP Wiki, fulfilling her duties as Scholae’s Ward of the South with tenacity, grace, and with an eye towards assistance rather than simple correctiveness.

She enters nearly each and every competition available to her and places in most of them. She knows exactly what her strong suits are and plays to them, while still investing time in the competitions that would exploit her weaknesses. She has created an extremely interactive wiki guide for the members of CSP, which, judging from the quality, took many hours of Flash coding.

In addition to her many hours in and around the wiki, Impetus is a source of council for both myself and Phoenix , lending her diverse opinion to a variety of topics, most recently the Master-Student Program and the Military. Her work with the Military led to her field promotion to Lt. General and command of the Praetorian Regiment, which oversees and carries out Special Operations missions for Scholae. It was a highly sought after fictional position, yet because of all that Impetus does for Scholae, it was a no brainer on my part.

As I peruse the activity log that Impetus has kept for herself, I notice that there are few competitions listed that she entered in which she has not won or placed. I also see that she won one of the last set of custom robes that were offered in return for winning a competition, something that the general membership will drool over for times to come.

Impetus has also been a force to be reckoned with during the Independence Games, entering at least 8 of the general events, even while on LoA. This shows her true loyalty not only to herself, but to her House, Clan, and Brotherhood. Given the enormity of her body of work, I have chosen not to list it here. Further explanation of the awesomeness that is Impetus Palpatine is available upon request.

~Exarch Lucien Kaeth ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae

Since Imp's last promotion, she has run competitions and participated in. She ran Nothing lasts forever, participated in Winter Games(11 events), Taming the Wolf Comp., CSP Christmas Present comp, HDS/HC Feud, Bounty Collection Fiction, Pazaak Comp, Grand Hall of Ohmen Competition, and Trial by Fire comp. From these, she compiled 6 Crescents and Custom Robes. On top of that she recieved an AC for her work in Reclamation, a LS for trivia and 10Cfs through ICTE's.

On top of competitions, Imp has furthered the CSP Wiki's in numerous ways. She has created and edited the Nightshade, Nightmare & Nighstalker Squadrons, Spirit of the Night History, created the Nightshade logo, Wiki Article Featured. With her work as Ward, she added to the initial Wikipedia guide she created, the revised the entire guide by animating it. Also, she has assisted in the Clans long awaited Menagerie Project. She wrote the prospectus, created the HAD menagerie, expanded the range of the menagerie animals, and also the menagerie maths, estimating the size and dimensions of each enclosure and total size after estimating the animal size. And finally she compiled a complete SA activity log for the entire clan, ensuring that we stay on top of new comer promotions.

Impetus has been a valued asset of CSP, going above and beyond all expectations that we have for her. It is with great pride that I recommend Impetus to the rank of Krath Epis. Drinks on Imp!!!

Phoenix Palpatine Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Dark Adept Syn Kaek Master At Arms

Syn Kaek, 2008-06-03 16:56:08 UTC