By the direct hand of Sato Tarentae as follows:
"Vai has continued to show good progress in his continued career in the Brotherhood. Since his last promotion, he has been achieved the rank of Dark Maven for History (his second degree) and has completed Judicial Certification in the Shadow Academy. He has been twice named Fist of Cestus. Further, he submitted 3 times to the Independence Games, joined the Cestus BattleTeam and has posted twice to the new run-on. He has also particpated twice in Clan Level events since his last elevation. Beyond that, he is proving to be an intregal part of Cestus operations, assisting the Rollmaster by checking in on new apprentices via email. And is quick to give his input on the direction the House is fictionally taking, utilizing many examples from his broad knowledge of Star Wars Galaxies as examples. For his continued good service, and progress I find him worthy of elevation to Guardian."
I find it just to elevate Vai Azexel to the rank of Guardian. May the Force set him Free.
Kazarelth Talismarr, 2008-06-06 07:45:21 UTC