JScumm is mostly quiet and goes un-noticed for the most part. This is unfortunate because he has to be one of the most active members in our House and he should have been promoted a long time ago, and for that, I apologize.
JScumm hangs around IRC and contributes to the life that is the DB and he makes it that much more interesting. He stays in contact with his House summit and does pretty much all the gaming competitions that are out there to be played along with a lot of the other writing comps. He makes us proud to call him a Galerian when we see a track record like this from his last 11 months since his last promotion: 881 CFs for gaming! That is OUTSTANDING!. He has also received 6 Ruby, 3 Emeralds, 2 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 2 Topaz for the other various competitions that he has taken part in, which is also very amazing. It is clear to me and to the rest of the summit that He is pulling is weight around here and is contributing to the betterment of the House and Clan by doing the things that he does among us. He has also gotten 4 Legion of Scholar for winning trivia comps, 1 Steel Cross, 2 Pendant of Blood, 1 Seal of Loyalty, 2 Seals of Pain. All of this alone shows his greatness.
Recc. by Talos d'Tana:
JScumm is one of my most active Battleteam members, second to none! While he is not a fiction writer, he is a insane gamer and, as Shadow Taldrya can second, is a dedicated presence in the ICTE. He has accumlated a impressive rack of crescents for his efforts and way to many to count Cluster of Fires. I always record Medal awards in my BTL reports and every time I file a report, JS is always on the list with something. JS deserves the elevation to Sith Warrior and begin his path as an Equite. Congratulations JS and a job well done!
Recc by Mejas Doto - Consul:
Since taking over as Consul of Clan Arcona I have gained furtehr insight into the various types of member that belong within this Clan. Jscumm is both the perfect example and an unlikely candidate to be an Arconan! He is a stalwart gamer who particpates weekly in the ICTE and any other gaming event possible. He has notched up countless victories for Arcona, exemplified his skills and proudly waved the flag of Arconan dominance. While he is not the first "elite gamer" in Arcona, he is up there with the bets of them and this Arconan trait proves him to be a valued and formidable member of the Clan. On the other hand, JScumm can be quite quiet and reserved - soemthign Arconan's are rarely known for! While he frequents IRC regularly he only speaks when there is somethign worth saying, a quality I admire greatly. We speak regularly on IRC and JScumm is a member of integrity, honour and pride. I am endebted to him for hs contributions to this Clan and apologise for the time this promotion has taken - your next will not take as long! Keep up your magnificent efforts JScumm, for yourself, your House and our beloved Clan. Your participation, ethos and victories as a member of this Clan is a beacon for all to aspire to. Thank you and congratulations on your promotion!
Rho Ozrei d'Tana, 2008-06-13 01:45:27 UTC