Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

On behalf of Cypha's master, DJK Deatharoc :

I've been proud to be Cypha's master and have been extremely impressed with his achievements. He's passed numerous SA Courses, won several competitions and he's approached his master tasks with vigor. Examples of master tasks he's completed are writing a fictional account of a mission he undertook, passing writing related SA courses and looking to improve the abovementioned piece. In all these master tasks, he has achieved a considerable level of success and I think he will keep improving. He's improved his fiction skills and I believe that he will grow into a first rate member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Cypha is more than worthy to become a GRD and I look forward to the day I can call him my first student to be knighted. Congratulations apprentice, knighthood is well on its way for you. Hopefully this is enough.

In Darkness, Deatharoc

QUA's Notes : Cypha won two house comps (Tridens Graphic and Quest of Knowledge), won in the third places of three clan comps (Renegade Trilogy, To the Core : Intel, fiction round 1 and overall winner), passed Runon Studies, and maintaining decent IRC activity.

, 2008-07-10 01:15:03 UTC