Event Details

Event ID
Driftan Balephor
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib
Primary reason

Taigikori has been Aedile for roughly two months, and in that time he has continued to keep up his activity while transferring his energies over into looking after the House. While the Quaestor was on a semi-LoA Taig filled in to keep up communcation with the House and Clan as a whole. His reports are well detailed and always out in a timely fashion, and his general availableness has been spot on. On top of all that he has not stopped a high-rate of activity amassing hundreds of Clusters of Fire while also managing to accrue dozens of crescents. His leadership and activity are more than enough to grant him this elevation. Congratulations!

-- Halc

The Trial of Knighthood isn't a simple checklist as past ranks may have been. A person should be seen as a fairly active member of the Clan and House they belong to, completing many activities over several months normally to achieve the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Taigikori has most certainly done this.

Earning a Grand Cross for his participation and domination of thirteen events in the Independence Games as well as his ability to lead a House in a time of need, Taig has certainly exemplified the qualities the Taldryan Summit expects any young leader to exhibit. While Taig is eager to participate in events of all different sorts, his ability to keep the House in line and orchestrate his member's to their maximum potential is undeniable.

Participating in well over twenty competitions, and placing in the majority, since his last promotion has demonstrated Taigikori's skill and tenacity for multiple aspects of the Brotherhood. While a gamer at heart, Taig has proven he can write, sing and dance (okay, maybe not the last two) to his heart's content and do a pretty good job while at it. Participating in Battle Team, House, Clan, and DB-Wide competitions has shown Taig's level of commitment on all levels, and is a trait to be admired by his peers and subordinates.

Perhaps the most astonishing feat Taigikori has achieved is his accumulation of exactly 700 Clusters of Fire since his last promotion. That's significantly more than the large majority of members achieve in their entire careers. An extraordinary display of skill and perseverance, I commend Taig's undying passion for gaming and serving as a role model for all the little Obelisks.

It is my pleasure to award you, Taigikori Aybara, with your lightsaber. Congratulations, Dark Jedi Knight Taigikori!

+SBM Sklib+

Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib, 2008-07-12 12:12:43 UTC