Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Master (Elder 2)
New Rank
Dark Prophet (Elder 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

From the 16 July, 2008 Grand Master Report:

The audience chamber on board of the Dark Brotherhood Flagship Nightfall was enormous, and it took several minutes for the chamber to fill with Elders of the Dark Side. Moving into predesignated areas assigned by rank and order, the Dark Brotherhood's most powerful came to silence as two black armored guards moved into the room and marshaled the arrival of the Dark Council. Grand Master Sarin, The Dark Lord of the Sith, stepped into the chamber and walked at a measured pace between the assembled rows of Dark Brotherhood Elders. The Dark Council walked paces behind him and moved to their positions on the central dais of the chamber.

Sarin moved to the Iron throne, his cold gaze fixed upon those who he deemed worthy of attendance. Few earned that moment of recognition and even fewer would ever see additional power bestowed upon them. Equality was a lie and the Grand Master never found that axiom more true than when he looked at two Elders of the same rank, but obviously not of the same power.

Expectation hung in the air as the Elders of the Brotherhood considered the reasons that this assembly was called. Would the reclamation of Antei begin today? Would an unfortunate Consul have his life expectantly cut short?

Tapping a console on his Throne, the Grand Master motioned to guards at the far end of the audience chamber. The guards stepped forward and grasped the handles on two towering kreel wood doors and opened the chamber for the arrival of the Deputy Grand Master.

Entering the room unarmed and unarmored, Muz Sadow moved towards the Grand Master's throne. Kneeling at the feet of his Master and dropping his head, Muz echoed words spoken for thousands of years.

"What is thy bidding, my master."

To many in the rooms surprise, the Grand Master unsheathed his diamond sword from a hidden sheath upon his throne. With the skill capable of only those who have reached Mastery, Sarin guided his blade at near impossible speeds across the form of the Deputy Grand Master. To those in attendance, it merely appeared that the Grand Master was attempting to frighten his Deputy, but to the Dark Council and many within paces of the Iron Throne, it was apparent the Grand Master was actually carving intricate patterns into the flesh of his apprentice. To those of the Krath Order and Star Chamber the patterns took on an even greater meaning. The Dark Lord was placing runes of Sith Sorcery upon his apprentice.

"Equality is a lie," the Grand Master's cold voice echoed across the chamber as his diamond sword continued to cut and shred its way through his apprentices robes. "Equality is a method that allows the weak to cling to the strong."

"Today, many of you re-learn this lesson. Today, I bestow power upon the strong. Today, I elevate the most powerful of the Masters. Today, I elevate Muz Sadow to Dark Prophet."

Dark Prophet: If you take the time to do a search on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood roster page, you will notice that we have three active Dark Prophets. The low number of individuals holding this rank is an indication of the work, dedication, and superior productivity needed to earn the final elevation in the Order of Elders. Today, we welcome one more. Congrats to Dark Prophet Muz Sadow.

I think it is safe to say that we all understand Muz's impact to the Dark Brotherhood since he has joined. To remind yourself, just take a look at this website and your profile. If you aren't much for graphics, try taking a look at the photos of Muz and Troy Denning. Then realize that Muz drove several hours to that Troy Denning book signing to ensure that the Dark Brotherhood would be represented. This is the dedication of Muz. This is why Muz gets to step up to the big boy club and wear the stripes of "Soon to be Grand Maser".

Everyone take the time to congratulate Muz on this rare and perhaps highest honor we can give a member of the Dark Brotherhood.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2008-07-15 17:42:43 UTC