Event Details

Event ID
Master Alaris Jinn
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Elevation Request: Obelisk Templar DJK Alaris Jinn (9426)

Alaris Jinn is the epitome of what a leader should be. I will start by saying that Alaris helped Clan Plagueis to Fourth Place in the Independence Games. He received 10 Seals of Remembrance, and two Crescents (one Ruby, one Diamond) for his work during this Brotherhood wide competition. Award-wise, Alaris doesn't stop there, as he racked up an additional Crescent with an Amethyst Star. Alaris also received a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, an Anteian Cross, and a Dark Cross. He has racked up 24 Clusters of Fire and 2 Legions of the Scholar. He also received a Seal of Loyalty on Exodus Day. In the Shadow Academy, Alaris has taken and passed 3 Shadow Academy Exams (Freighters and Transports, Krath Advanced Poetry, Krath Poetry) and attained a Dark Maven in Flight!

The reason Alaris does not rack up an insane amount of Crescents is because he is normally behind the competitions. Since his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, he has run 6 competitions. Two of these are Clan wide, and not just house wide. Alaris is running the War of Ascension, watched over by Braecen and myself, in which we are progressing the Clan's fiction. We are currently in the midst of this, and Alaris is running it extremely well. This is a trait that I would not attribute to an Aedile (not one that they'd show, anyway) and yet, Alaris is proving his can do things for more than his House. Recently, Setal Keto's Quaestor, Alex d'Tana had internet problems, and Alaris stepped up to the plate. He took up and excelled as an interim Quaestor. Alaris is on IRC whenever he is not at work, and he is always available to help members if they need it.

I believe that Alaris is ready to step over the line of Journeyman and enter into the Equites. I happily recommend Alaris Jinn for a promotion to Obelisk Templar. Congratulations, Equite!

Yzarc Rellik Kaeth Proconsul of Clan Plagueis

What can be said about Alaris and his deserving of promotion.  In the recent Independence Games, Alaris scored nearly 25% of the Clan's points overall.  Tremendous activity.  This is while preforming his Aedile duties.  Speaking of Aedile, I can think of no individual whom carries out the duties of the office better then Alaris, and I unhesitatingly believe that the man will make an exceptional Quaestor, and Consul in the future.  Alaris is always available to his members, and members of the Command Staff for advice and ideas, and recently he engaged and ran an incredibly detailed and time cosuming competition for Plagueis, the War of Ascention: Invasion of Morroth.  I belive the dedication, and pride in excellence shines through Alaris' actions, and that he is more then ready for elevation.  


Alex d'Tana
Quaestor of House Satal Keto


Following those recommendations leaves little to comment on, but I think it speaks volumes that a Consul can recap instead of spearhead an elevation request for such a young, promising member within our ranks. And let no one be in doubt, Alaris is not a byproduct of what we hope to achieve, as much as he is a beacon of what our future, as a club, will be.

When someone asks me to identify the traits, or characteristics, of great leaders, I will always rattle off the same list: sincerity, passion, confidence, ingenuity, and energy. Rarely do we encounter people that demonstrate all of these attributes, but I am honored to have one such anomaly within the inner ranks of Clan Plagueis. I know that - with time - he will become the future of Clan Plagueis. Diligently, he accepts the assignments I have placed before him... learning from his own mistakes and those of his peers, emulating the good behaviors of his colleagues and rubbing off his own good skills in the process. He is quick to fire, sure... but he reacts out of concern and the belief that his action is what is best for the Clan. And I am proud to have leaders that ask for forgiveness, opposed to asking for permission.

This individual has demonstrated all of the necessary traits for elevation into the Equite class. He is a prominent leader, an exceptional member, a visionary for our future and demonstrates a maturity well beyond his rank. I look forward to this elevation and another quick, successive promotion in his bright, bright future.

Braecen Kaeth
Consul of Clan Plagueis

Braecen Kaeth, 2008-07-22 20:53:37 UTC