Event Details

Event ID
Lord Dacien Victae
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

I am honored and proud to submit a promotion request for Dacien Victae di Plagia, or as I have known him for years, BubbaX. Bubba has served as a the Praetor to the Headmaster for quite some time and in his duties he has worked consistently on improving the Shadow Academy and providing coding support. His work and efforts have allowed for several new courses to be seamlessly released as well as the cleaning up of some old and unwieldy SA coding.

In addition to Bubba's coding work, he remains as always a steadfast and trustworthy advisor who provides insight and useful commentary on ways to improve and better the Dark Brotherhood.

Bubba has served consistently and at high levels over the past year with a dedication to improve the Dark Brotherhood. For this service, he is long overdue a well deserved promotion.

GM Sarin

It's been over a year since Dacien's last promotion, so I've no doubt that this is much deserved. Bubba's activity spans over many facets of the Dark Brotherhood, most recently the coding staff, but when it comes to the Shadow Academy I really don't know what I would do without him, and I think former Headmaster Anshar would say the same thing. While I know a limited amount of HTML and coding, Dacien is the true genius when it comes to keeping the Academy running and constantly improving. He is the one who codifies new courses, he fixes glitches, and most importantly he fixes my mistakes. Now, he is working on even greater improvements to the way the SA works.

Aside from the coding, Dacien is also the perfect Praetor. Whenever I have an idea, I tell him, and he gives his thoughts without hesitation. He helps proofread new courses, and deny others, as well as steps in and helps grade exams whenever needed. The Shadow Academy is the prime example of an organization that needs multiple parts to stay running, and Dacien is without a doubt one of the most crucial parts in that machine. So it is all that I can hope that this promotion helps me to say thanks for all the hard work, time, and dedication Dacien has put into the Shadow Academy of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. ~ Sith Warlord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar, Headmaster

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2008-09-14 12:08:36 UTC