Event Details

Event ID
Shikyo Keibatsu
Old Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
New Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

I am honored and pleased to submit Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu for promotion to the rank of Pontifex. Shikyo has continued the tradition of strong and active Heralds in the Dark Brotherhood. His consistent work on Lightsabers, Banners, special projects, and a host of other graphic related work.

Shikyo has done exactly what I expect of a Herald. He finishes his work on time and he keeps our members content with the level of work and effort he places forward. A Dark Council member can have no higher rating than to have no one complain about him. I've never had a complaint about Shikyo.

For his outstanding work and dedication to the Dark Brotherhood, I am honored to promote Shikyo to Pontifex.

GM Sarin

Since Joining the DC as Herald, Shikyo has done remarkably well. While he has had a decent-sized advantage in being able to learn from my own source files, he has really taken the reins and shined on his own. He's made many custom sabers, and even more warbanners. He's weighed in heavily in certain aspects of the Order perks that we have been working with, and he's even spearheaded his own personal project to return the warbanners to a more traditional and personally identifyable design with his Logo Selector. Shikyo is often my right hand while I am working on my own projects, and his work there, while yet to be seen by the general membership, is top notch and expansive. And that's just in discussion of the work he's done for me, and as Herald. Outside of that, Shikyo is one of the most active and involved masters in Clan Naga Sadow, having trained such exemplary members such as Faeril. His hand is seen and appreciated in clan workings, not only in CNS, but also in his workings with the various projects in several other clans. For a person to be so aggressive and passionate about a job that really is a volunteer position is rare, and the fact that he's gone this long, working without expecting reward speaks volumes about his character in my eyes. I feel privileged and honored to be able to recommend him for promotion to Pontifex, the right to wield two blades, and a step closer to the Elder that I know he can be. ~Muz Keibatsu Sadow, DGM

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2008-09-14 12:16:34 UTC