Event Details

Event ID
Asani Vosa
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

Good day, Masters.

I come before you as Quaestor of House Caliburnus to bring Guardian Asani Vosa into the light as a prospective member for promotion to Jedi Hunter.

Asani has been in Caliburnus for the length of my stay there, and I have always been impressed by her inventiveness and attitude towards her work. She has always striven for excellence, and has posted many ideas to me, quite a few of which I have used. One of her moments of ingenuity was the creation of a group known as the Caliburnus Analyst Unit. She was the main brains behind it and even wrote a long fiction using this group.

I find myself turning to Asani for suggestions or advice on House projects, and she has always been ready to give them. Along these lines, she has been a major participant in my recent projects, and my current one, she jumped at the chance to help. I’m a lucky QUA to get a member this dedicated, and active.

So, it is my opinion that Guardian Asani Vosa is worthy of an elevation to the rank of Jedi Hunter, and I request that you make it a reality.

Sith Warrior Brent Ligur Victae

Greetings, noble ones;

I bring for your consideration today the work of Guardian Asani Vosa.

Per the established promotional guidelines, she has completed every event needed for a promotion to Jedi Hunter. To be specific, these are the tasks that she has accomplished:

  • +Six weeks as a Guardian.
  • Ongoing IRC communications.
  • Has registered in and participated on the Clan Message Board.
  • Has taken and passed the General Leadership Shadow Academy course.
  • Has completed an 8-page character fiction piece.
  • Has completed six ACC battles.
  • Achieved 1st Place in a Clan Feud competition event (Dark Tides, Week 4, What If).
  • Earned an Anteian Cross, 10/16/08.

I thoroughly believe that Asani is ready to assume more responsibility within the Clan as a Jedi Hunter, and ready to start her work towards earning her Knighthood. I thank you for your time in this matter.

To Asani, congratulations and well-deserved! It's been a long and bumpy road, but you've earned your promotion. Now to start work on DJK!! =)

Epis Timbal

Archangel Palpatine, 2008-11-15 08:21:19 UTC