Event Details

Event ID
Sa Ool
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

Complete all of the following: Six weeks at Guardian required = Done Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel = Done, He's there all the time. He's probably there right now. Register on the Dark Brotherhood forums = Done

Complete five of the following: Take a Shadow Academy leadership exam = Done, Passed General Leadership Ten pages of character fiction = Done, approved by his Master, Aedile and Quaestor Two Antei Combat Centre matches = Done, Qualification match + Match vs. Windos Place in a competition = Done, awarded a Cr-E for second place in "Officer Creation" for "Of the Past" comp Earn a merit medal = Done, has three Dark Crosses Create a competition and run it = Done, "Duty", "Hang", and helped organize "Shattered Tears"

According to my records, Donos has now fulfilled all the requirements for promotion to Jedi Hunter. In addition to simply completing the requirements he has been the backbone of our House, taking on the duty to assist our youngest members in their advancement and being on IRC every day. I have had the privilege of seeing him go from a quiet new member to an outspoken and crucial leader in our organization. I now have the privilege of recommending that he be allowed to continue his journey. Windos, Donos' Master, asked that his comment be added as well:

I, Archpriest Windos Helkin Tarentae, do henceforth and herby recommend Balia Donos for promotion to Jedi Hunter. He has stepped up to fill my shoes and take over the reins of Gladius' training battle team. He has done an admirable job in what is an unforgiving and often undervalued position which is both taxing and, at times, distressing. On top of this, Donos is a regular fixture in the IRC channel of our clan and is a great pleasure to converse with and can be rather vocal in this regard. He has served as a apt sounding board for a number of my ideas and I'm sure that our esteemed summit will find him useful as an advisor in the months to come. Since his last promotion, Donos has competed in about seven competitions, including our recent house feud, Shattered Tears, The New ACC Logo Is..., Navy War Games and more. He has also completed the Obelisk Core exam at the Shadow Academy and completed an ACC training battle against myself as well as initiating his qualification battle. He has been awarded two Dark Crosses since his last promotion, one for helping an audit on the wiki and another for aiding Karel with various duties pertaining to the ICTE. He has also initiated and administered three competitions for his battle team and is currently hammering out details for some house wide competitions to... cast his responsibilities a little wider.

Scion Tarentae, 2008-11-24 14:47:34 UTC