Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

Industrious and serene. Looking at Cypha, I just wish that everyone, especially in his Class, could follow his exemplary passion and endeavor. As a Guardian, Cypha has shown fantastic commitment and enthusiasm to fulfill the tasks set by the Master at Arms in the Journeymen Promotional Guidelines. Cypha won’t stop his activities just because he has completed the requirements; instead he constantly demonstrates admirable contribution within patience and genuineness to his House, Clan and the Brotherhood as general.

Cypha has participated in twelve competitions, ranged from house to DB wide, won ten of them and received 10 various crescents. He has completed seven SA courses and earned two Dark Maven degrees. A Dark Cross and a Seal of Loyalty have been granted for his dedicated activity. Guardian Cypha has passed his ACC qualification battle and also created his personal article in the DB Wiki.

Below is Cypha’s record of activity since his last elevation.

Must Do • Six weeks at Guardian required--> Last Elevation: 7/10/2008 7:41:00 AM (5 Months, 3 Days) • IRC communication should be ongoing at this point--> IRC activity : regular • Forum registration should have occurred by now--> Assigned in Tridens Acceleration Sub Forum

Complete five of the following: • Participate in ten competitions--> 1.Tridens SA festival (2nd) , 2.Tridens Motto (1st), Officer Creation (1st), 3. Clan Runon Of the Past (participant), 4. Clan Trivia of The Past (participant), 5. Oberst Wargame , 6. T logo (1st), 7. Boredom in to a Poem (1st), 8. Relics Hunt (1st), 9. GM Sarin's TFU comps (3rd), 10.Flash games for relax (2nd), 11. Make a motivational Poster (1st), 12. “My Master” (1st) • Take a Shadow Academy leadership exam --> general leadership completed 100% • Five to ten pages of character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master --> Done • Place in a competition--> 10 placements above • Earn a merit medal--> a Dark Cross granted by CON Anshar, for the contribution in Of The Past event, a Seal of Loyalty by DGM Muz • Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership-->Tridens Trivia--> running until Oct 30 (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3842)

Additional Work :

SA : Dark Maven- History Completed 7/27/2008
Dark Maven- Philosophy Completed 7/27/2008 Weapon Basics Competed 7/4/2008 Freighters and Transports Completed 7/17/2008
Krath Core Completed 7/20/2008
Obelisk Core Completed 7/24/2008
Old Republic History Completed 7/20/2008
Wiki Basics Completed 9/9/2008
General Leadership Completed 10/17/2008

ACC Qualification battle : passed Wiki Personal Article : done

Thus, in this evening, as his Quaestor, I am proud to recommend Cypha for his elevation to the penultimate rank of Journeymen. His master, DJK Deatharoc, has agreed about this recommendation, and even the Consul of Clan Tarentum, DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae, has given his support.

Well done, Cypha and congratulations!

SBM Odin Vaaj Quaestor of House Tridens Clan Tarentum

, 2008-12-13 01:43:52 UTC