Event Details

Event ID
Mehrunes "Bane" Dagon
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Elevation Request: Guardian PRT Mehrunes Dagon (10324)

The elevation from Protector to Guardian signifies that one has, indeed, put forth considerable effort into learning about the club. It also demonstrates understanding that the club, and a career, is built upon the personal activity one generates. A member holds both the key to their success and the hurdles of their own shortcomings. Today, it is my honor to present Mehrunes - whom used his key to unlock his potential - for the rank of Guardian.

Since his last elevation - over four weeks ago - Mehrunes has been a constant of activity within the Clan. Not only has he regularly joined his peers on IRC (#plagueis), he has also completed his Order Core (Krath Core) Exam. In addition, he has earned fifteen (15) clusters of fire, competed in five competitions (Braecen Said What?, Weekly Caption Contest, Dark Traveler Saga, Shoot the Ship, Christmas Songs, etc), began creating his Wiki Article (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mehrunes_Dagon), earned a merit medal (Dark Cross), and completed an additional ten (10) Shadow Academy courses - since his last elevation.

For all his continued work and effort, I congratulate the aspiring Journeymen. I know he will work diligently, and quickly, before the Great Jedi War in hopes of earning yet another promotion. And I know that if he invests the same amount of time/energy as he did previously, he should have no problem in attaining it. Congratulations, My Apprentice.

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Clan Plagueis

Braecen Kaeth, 2008-12-23 10:38:52 UTC