Event Details

Event ID
Adept Alaris Jinn
Old Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
New Rank
Obelisk Prelate (Equite 2)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Elevation Request: Prelate Templar Alaris Jinn (9426)

As of this writing, Alaris has served outstandingly on the Wiki Staff for five months. Whenever I send out something important over the Wiki Staff's mailing list and tell people to inform their Clans, I know that Alaris will do it in a timely and efficient manner; out of the entire Staff, he is the best at keeping his Clan informed about any changes or plans. He has performed his duty of leaving messages, which are actually much more polite than mine, on users' talk pages. He has performed more than admirably while juggling his other duties, now Quaestor of House Satal Keto, in Clan Plagueis, and for this reason I would like to add my recommendation to his other superiors'.

Congratulations, Alaris!

RevengeX Palpatine Wiki Tribune


Since my return to HSK several months ago, I'm been impressed with new amount of activity that my house is seeing today and the leadership amongst all its membership that has been contributing to this. However, no specific member in HSK has contributed to this change in HSK more than our former QUA, Alaris, has.

For several months I had served as Aedile to HSK and worked with Alaris one on one for quite some time regarding the developments in our house and the stand alone character aspect I remember highlighting most in my mind was the example he set through action regarding activity. When most people end up in a position, their activity level in relation to normal membership activities drops; this is the normal state of things has these people fill their time with other activities related to their job. Alaris' activity, however, never did. Even with the duties and responsiblities he held as QUA of the house, he always made time for the basic activities like competitions, fighting in the ACC, and even pumping out SA course after SA course. No Aedile report of mine went without some mention of activity from him as he earned new degrees and medals, and in turn set a standard himself for the activity level for the house.

Aside from this, Alaris also served proudly in his role of QUA of HSK; giving guidence to our troubled BTLs, maintaining an active focus for our house, and running (completely by himself) the War of Ascension for the entire clan which gave multiple opportunities to our membership in HSK to gain merits for promotions and medals. As the rest of the summits can tell you, Alaris is deserving in more ways than one for a promotion to E2.

Warhunter Arwan Quaestor of Satal Keto


Advancement in the Equite ranks is something that requires a certain amount of élan. No longer is it enough to simply participate in mass. You have to be an advocate of change, a driving force in the Brotherhood. And I believe Alaris has demonstrated those talents and is, thus, deserving of the title of Prelate.

Since his last elevation, he has accrued several personal honors and awards: Dark Side Scroll, Dark Cross (x3), Anteian Cross, six crescents (3 Cr-Q, 2 Cr-E, Cr-T), a Seal of Loyalty, completed the Chamber of Justice course, completed the Wiki Basics course, attained the Dark Maven: Philosophy, attained the Dark Maven: Flight and was awarded his first - of what will be many - Seals of Loyalty.

As a role model of our clan, he has ran, and completed, the War of Ascension; a major plot-driven event that bridged the clan's history from its previous identity and leadership to its new incarnation. During the event, he ran twelve competitions (segments/chapters), created a Wiki article for the WoA and updated the entire Clan's Naval Forces to reflect the changes affected. During this time, he also trained his first Apprentice (DJK Kara Rohana) and brought a second along (JH Ashron). This was all completed in addition to his duties as a Wiki Staff member and both Aedile and Quaestor... where he was responsible for mailer and roster audits, house development, member progression, house wiki, managing his Aedile and BTL (both of which were prepared to step up with Alaris' rise to PCON) and helping the clan map out projects and direction for the upcoming year.

As our newly elevated Proconsul, Alaris has quickly asserted himself as the new de facto 'guy' in our chain of command. He is working with both House Summits to establish rhythm, place our new leadership model into action and get the buy-in of the membership as we enter into the next GJW. All in all, his work in both Plagueis and the Wiki are fantastic and make him worthy of this elevation.

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Plagueis

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-01-09 07:50:12 UTC