Elevation Request: Obelisk Prelate
OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor (4793)
Drodik Va'lence al'Tor has been an Obelisk Templar for four years. In this time, he has far excelled what one would expect from any member. Drodik has held six leadership positions (from Battle Team leader all the way up to Aedile). He reported for each position, and took care of the members in his units. I cannot speak of how he is as a leader, because I have not seen Drodik work as one, but I can guess from his ability to work up the ladder, that he is a good leader. As a leader, Drodik held and followed through with 19 competitions (such as [OriensObscurum] July CapAction, [Sacrum Diis] Lyrical Limbo, and [HOO] January Headliners).
This Templar took and passed 7 Shadow Academy exams (Astronomy, Force Philosophy, History of the Sith Empire I, History of the Sith Empire II, Krath Grammar Studies, Krath Poetry, and Marksmanship). He participated in the Feud between Clan Scholae Palatinae and Arcona, as well as the Uneasy Alliances Tri-Clan Feud between CSP, ARC, and Clan Plagueis. Drodik submitted to most events of both Feuds. In the CSP-ARC Feud, he won 3 ACC matches and placed 27th in the JO ladder. In the CSP-ARC-CP Feud, Drodik placed second in the ARC week three short fiction and won 4 ACC matches. Drodik also submitted to all 7 days of the Great Hunt 2, placing in 6 of them, and receiving 2nd overall for the whole event.
Drodik has received 28 Clusters of Fire, 22 Crescents (2 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 9 Sapphire, 8 Emerald, 2 Topaz), 1 Dark Cross, 3 Dark Side Scrolls, 2 Seals of Darkness, 1 Seal of Remembrance, 1 Seal of Pain, and 1 Scroll of Foundation.
He has competed in the ACCLive tournament, created a DJBWiki page for himself, created a planet and its corresponding wiki page (Nythaspir), and a wiki page for his personal ship. Drodik has maintained a steady IRC prescence. He has revamped his character history, and recreated his character, and he wrote a 21 page fiction for the Heralds Shadow Ops competition.
Drodik also put together the al'Tor family, managing the wiki and website, monitoring members, and the IRC channel, changed the admittance requirements, wrote the history, and arranged for the crest to be made. He mastered 3 students, getting one to the rank of DJK and still mentoring one of them. As you can plainly see, Drodik is way overdue for a promotion, and I write this in the hopes that he does get one.
Congratulations, Drodik, and thank you for being a patient, and yet, still active member in the Dark Brotherhood.
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia
Quaestor of Exar Kun
The Equite ranks in the Brotherhood are the reward for those members who stand above and beyond the general membership. They are some of the most active and some of the most dedicated to the Dark Brotherhood. Drodik Valence alTor is the perfect example of this. Since last being promoted to Obelisk Templar over three years ago, Drodik has been quite active, completing fifteen Shadow Academy Courses.
Drodik served as Battleteam Leader to Sacrum Diis Brigade as well as Rollmaster and Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum in that time. He also was the recipient of 1 topaz, 2 amethyst, 2 ruby, 9 sapphire, and 10 emerald Crescents. He received 28 Clusters of Fire, a Seal of Remembrance, a Seal of Pain and a Dark Side Scroll. He also received 2 Dark Crosses and a Steel Cross.
Drodik is more than ready for his promotion to Obelisk Prelate and request a custom lightsbaer. Congratulations, Drodik!
Alaris Jinn
Proconsul of Clan Plagueis
Elevation into the second tier of the Equite class requires two very important ingredients: individual motivation and success in leadership. And I believe that Drodik has shown the necessary grit in both columns to merit this elevation that has been three years in the making.
He spent nearly the entire year of 2007 in a leadership position that ranged from Battle Team Leader to Roll Master to House Aedile. And in that time he provided constant reporting, competitions for his members, mentorship and direction for those within his Clan, rewards for those whom excelled and much, much, more. He was also personally active, a pre-requisite we seek in every member at every level. I will not dote on that, as both recommendations previous explain his personal accolades.
Another large aspect to any high level elevation is how a member conducts themselves. I have been nothing but impressed over the past couple of years with how this member has handled himself. Not once has he asked for elevation or award, created a dramatic situation... and he always offers to help with projects, mentor new members and do what needs to be done for the success of his peers and unit. That sort of attitude and dedication over the course of three years with over 10 months of leadership speaks volumes.
Congratulations, Drodik. I look forward to your continued advancement and progression in the Dark Brotherhood as both a member and a leader.
Braecen Kaeth
Consul of Clan Plagueis
Braecen Kaeth, 2009-02-09 20:09:22 UTC