Raven has been a member of the Herald's Staff for both Muz and myself. He's always looked forward to what is being done and has constantly come to me with things he has felt should be done. While I instructed the Staff to focus only on the Great Jedi War, he would consistently come to me looking for things to assist with for the Herald's Office.
to date, Raven has complete 6 lightsaber, 7 warbanners, and numerous character images for members on his own time. He has served with gratitude and never asked for what he could get in benefit but always asks what he can do to benefit others. For this, I recommend Raven for the rank of Archpriest. Congratulations!
-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu
Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
In the two and a half years since his last promotion, Raven has shown great activity for his House and Clan. In this time he has earned himself 1 Anteian Cross, 3 Steel Crosss, 1 Dark Cross, 110 Cluster of Firess and 1 Legion of Scholar. Raven is always quick to rise to the need of the Clan as proven by his Seal of Dominance during the 3rd Outer Rim war, 3 Seals of Darkness during the RoS 2nd Darkness, 3 Seals of Pain during GJW 8 Incursion and numerous yet to be awarded Seals and Cluster of Fires for the Ninth Great Jedi War. His contributions also go beyond just Clan Naga Sadow as his work for the office of the Herald has earned him a Steel Cross as well. Raven also has a very high IRC presence and spends his time encouraging and assisting fellow members of his Clan. Combine his individual accomplishments and his long time of service and I believe Raven has earned the rank of Krath Archpriest. CON Robert Sadow
Warlord Robert Sadow, 2009-05-26 11:45:27 UTC