Event Details

Event ID
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Old Rank
Obelisk Prelate (Equite 2)
New Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
Requested by
Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the last year, there has been one person at my side; always. Dante has been my go-to guy for my tenure as CON, PCON, and QUA of HDS. In the end, Dante is my number 1 guy. It’s not hard to see, even for a blind man, the amount of impact that Dante has had on the Clan as well as interpersonal relationships within our Leadership. In many ways, Dante is more respected and more important to the viability of this Clan than I am. Coming from an Arrogant man, that is a hard thing to accept. Yet, we are forced to face the truth.

If you can’t understand why Dante is deserving of Promotion… I have 4 simple symbols for you… GJW 9. Look it up.

Dante’s performance as a leader is not only potent and consistent, as a single individual no one has out performed everyone in every field. Dante was a part of almost every event in the GJW 9, taking home more medals than anyone else in the Clan. Furthermore, he did this while balancing the “Reminder” emails, and morale boosting speeches that are required of leaders in War Time Senarios.

I applaud Dante for everything he’s done. Nothing would have been accomplished without Dante’s hands being in the mix. Good work Dante, this promo has been long in the running.

-Thran Occasus, CON of Scholae Palatinae

There are three types of humour on #scholae. We have the sharp sarcasm and satire from people like Pho. We have naughty humour from various people. And then we have Dante's dry wit. Dante is a nice guy. However, you can't get promoted just for being nice, something that Dante has obviously taken note of. Since his last promotion, he has earned:

6 x Crescent with Saphire 6 x Crescents with Emerald 2 x Scrolls of foundation 2 x Crescent with Ruby 2 x Crescent with Topaz 1 x Crescent with Amethyst 2 x Silver Novae 3 x Bronze Novae 1 x Gold Novae 1 x Saphire Blade Plus the hundreds of CoFs he's accrued. By any standards, this a very impressive collection. Since his last promotion, Dante has served as Aedile, Quaestor, Gaming Tribune and ProConsul. He has received only praise for his work, and he has been extremely diligent in almost every area. Dante was the first choice for PCon not only for his skill, but for reliability. When you ask him to do something, you can guarantee he'll do it, and to the very best of his ability. I believe that there is only one reward for this third hero of the ninth Great Jedi War, and that is immediate promotion. He's certainly earned it.

Kalak Ragnose, Quaestor of Acclivis Draco

About time...

I have known Dante for years and he has always shown great qualities of leadership going back to the days when we were in the Emperors Hemmrroids together. He has always done his best to make sure that the p[eople under his command are well taken care of and kept active. His leadership in the last Great Jedi War helped to inspire the rest of the Clan and make others to want to do more. He took the lead in gaming and worked to get others going, while serving as the Gaming Tribune doing an Outstanding job before being made to leave the job. As Proconsul, Dante is available at any time for help and answers. He has been my sounding board many times on many different projects, like some of the graphics projects I have going. I am not going to re-list all of his awards and stuff here as others are going to do it but I will tell you that this elevation is long overdue and he more than deserves it.

SBM Ric "Blade" Hunter

To Whom It May Concern:

Angelo Dante has been an outstanding member and a wonderful leader. As a subordinate of his during most of my time with the Brotherhood, I have appreciated his guidance and leadership in my almost two year tenure with Clan Scholae Palatinae. Dante is one of those few members who treat everyone, who deserve it, with respect. His service as the gaming tribune has been exemplary, encouraging those to game and reminding them to have fun. Competition is not everything....or so that is what he says.

Looking at his dossier he has earned himself almost 2600 Clusters of Fire, helping to win him his 20 Pendants of Blood. It doesn't just stop with gaming, the Dark Paladin, a title earned by being an active member in the Clan, participates in as many competitions, including those in his own House. Not many leaders do.

He has served as Consol Thran Occasus' right hand man for some time. First as House Dorimad Sol's Aedile and now as his Proconsol of the Clan. Showing that he obviously has some skills in those types of leadership positions.

If you are ever angry or stressed, Dante is the one who helps by making 'light' of the situation, trying to get you to laugh. Evidence showed from personal experience. You could say that Dante has been like a father figure to all those that surround him. Always helping, encouraging those who need it most and hardly ever acting out.

I, Robin Hawk, Aedile of House Dorimad Sol, fellow Dark Paladin of Scholae Palatinae, would like to recommend Angelo Dante the acquired rank of Equite 3.

Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2009-08-03 20:42:09 UTC