I am requesting this promotion for one of the most active member of House Exar Kun, Octavia Kuga to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Since I have been in Plagueis I have learned a few things about Octavia, one is that she always is motivated to face any task that you give her. Octavia also has the drive for perfection that really shows, and I am proud to see her finally able to gain the rank of Dark Jedi Knight within this club.
Octavia has completed the trials set forth for her to get to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, but at the same time, she has also played a crucial part in the recent house feud, which saw House Exar Kun take first place. Also she has been a proud and respected Battle Team Leader in House Exar Kun.
Octavia has been working hard since her last promotion, one of her trials that she completed was to gain a merit medal, which she managed to do with all of her hard work that was taken place in the feud, and she achieved a steel cross for all her hard work. Secondly Octavia has been a Jedi Hunter for over two months which is longer than the required time period set forth by the Master At Arms. Also as the promotion requirements state Octavia has managed to earn a selection of Crescents in over the time since her last promotion.
Octavia has also managed to complete two leadership exams she managed to complete the following: Leadership Fundamentals and Leadership Studies. She also ran a competition for her battle team; this competition was called Flash Game and was aimed at Exar Shadow. Which she managed to run completely and efficiently.
Octavia has also managed to participate in fifteen competitions, she managed to compete in the following competitions: Give Braecen the Bird, Love or Loss, GJW Week 1 Fiction, GJW Week 2 Graphics, GJW Week 3 Poetry, GJW Week 5 poem, Plagueis Caption Contest, Insurrection Week 1 Fiction, Insurrection Week 2 Poem, Insurrection Week 3 Fiction, Prank the new Leader, Poetry Fun, Leaders Haiku, Picture Perfect, Shadows Symbol, Inspirational Slogans, Quaestor Word Hunter!.
Octavia has also managed to achieve a Dark Maven in writing completing yet another trial set forth by the Master at Arms. Now onto some other things that Octavia has done since her last promotion, the main one that has to be taken into account is here participation in the Great Jedi War. She was an active driving force of this clan which has brought her to achieve seals for her hard work. But what makes Octavia one of the most well known members of House Exar Kun, is her willingness to be able to create an active battle team. Since her time as Battle Team Leader, she has been able to fill all of the spots on her battle team. AS well as constantly doing reports, she is always driving her team to achieve the best they can, overall I could have not hoped for a better battle team leader than Octavia.
I am proud to see this day, was Octavia has achieved her Lightsaber, and joined the ranks of Dark Jedi Knight. She has worked hard, and achieved a lot of things since the time that she has been in Clan Plagueis. Always working hard, and seeing things to the end, no matter how challenging she always has a way of getting them done. Overall I believe that Octavia Kuga is fully ready to take this rank. Congratulations on Dark Jedi Knight.
Cethgus Kuga
Promotion to Dark Jedi Knight is a pivotal step in the career of anyone in the Dark Brotherhood, and as such, should not be taken lightly. I am pleased to say that Octavia Kuga has completed the requirements and has earned the right to become a Dark Jedi Knight. Her dossier clearly shows her two months as Jedi Hunter, two merit medals, and multiple crescents. She has participated in the necessary 15 SA competitions, completed two Leadership Exams, and ran two competitions: a flash game competition and a poetry competition. Octavia has completed the Dark Maven for Writing as well as a character wiki article. Finally, Octavia has served as the Battle Team Leader of Exar's Shadow, fulfilling the duties of the position by making regular reports and leading the battle team during the recent House Feud.
With all of these things, Octavia has earned a promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations, Octavia.
Vivackus Kavon
Proconsul of Clan Plagueis
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2009-08-13 17:18:30 UTC