Event Details

Event ID
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Old Rank
Equite 1
New Rank
Equite 2
Requested by
Master Alaris Jinn
Primary reason

There are so many things that Proconsul’s do behind the scenes that nobody ever gets to see. From working alongside the Rollmasters to ensure that rolls and MSP are maintained to simple dirty work, promotion and medal auditing, in which Vivackus has proven to be better than most others. The menial work of Proconsul is only ever noticed by his Consul, and do I’m proud to be the one to award him the rank of Sith Battlemaster.

The Great Jedi War was a shining moment for Vivackus, as he was one of our most active ACCers who placed twice and received a Silver Nova for his work in the Run-On event. He was awarded a Steel Cross for his work during the War. He then received a Dark Cross for his activity in the three part series run by now Fiction Tribune, Eludajae M’nar, called Mirror, Mirror.

The most recent House Feud, Insurrection, proved to be the greatest point of Vivackus’ time in the leadership of the Dark Brotherhood. I know what kind of work it takes to create a storyline and write page after page of fiction to ensure that such a feud will take off and be successful, and that is exactly what happened here. If the idea for the feud was mine, then the feud itself has to be credited entirely to Viv’s fantastic work. Not only did he write all the fictional chapters, he wrote the basis for the storyline, re-wrote it several times, and had them all to me way before the first event even began.

He worked alongside me to grade and judge every event which we averaged together to receive final scores. He acted as a Judge in the ACC where he was on top of everything, working quickly to ensure that battles started as soon as they could, and that time-outs were quickly recorded.

I am proud to have selected him to serve as Proconsul, and even more proud to promote him to Sith Battlemaster. Congratulations, Viv!

~ Alaris Jinn di Plagia, Consul of Clan Plagueis

Since I first met Vivackus Kavon at the rank of JH and took him as my Student, I have known he was full of potential. His previous Masters had passed up on a gold mine, for Viv was a skilled member and merely needed help finding proper direction. His promotion to Dark Jedi Knight was one of the most proud moments of my DB career, and his later successes and subsequent promotion to Sith Warrior were glowing examples of what a dedicated and capable member could do. However, it is his list of achievements since that rank that show he is ready for the second Equite rank.

Having earned the rank of Sith Warrior during the Ninth Great Jedi War, Vivackus was active to a high amount and was capable in his position as House Satal Keto Aedile, as well as Quaestor. Before, during, and following the War, his work in that position helped HSK to grow considerably and formed the foundation and groundwork for many of the ideas and processes still within the House. Following this, he took the opportunity and won out over a few considerable opponents for the position of CP Proconsul. His Leadership work from there was rather mundane as he settled into the position, though that changed with the House Feud: Insurrection.

The House Feud's storyline was written entirely by Vivackus, and his hand was in the creation and hosting of the events. Working with Alaris to run the Feud and judge events, he was forced to step in when Alaris could not and took a large amount of the responsibility for the event onto his own shoulders. Between his work as an event judge and his hand in the creation of the actual event, it is likely that the Feud wouldn't have gone ahead at all were it not for the work of Vivackus Kavon.

During the GJW specifically, Viv's achievements entailed 8 Seals of Unity, a 6th-Place finish in the Heat of the Moment event, and a 9th-Place finish in the Battlefield Objectives event. His work as a Fiction Captain for Plagueis was essential in Plagueis' successes during the War, as he gave grammatical and spelling aid to CP's members and without a doubt helped to increase the general quality and success of Plagueis' fictional contributions. He won a Steel Cross for these events and they were a deciding factor in his elevation to Proconsul.

For exceptional Leadership in the positions of HSK AED and QUA, along with the position of CP PCON, for a huge amount of developmental contributions and event management during the House Feud: Insurrection within Plagueis, and for great amounts of activity and success in the Ninth Great Jedi War, I feel that Vivackus Kavon has earned the rank of Sith Battlemaster. Excellent work, Viv, you're an example to everyone in our Clan!

~ Kal Vorrac, Quaestor of House Satal Keto

Master Alaris Jinn, 2009-08-19 08:53:50 UTC